Lori Lori

Right and Wrong. Reading and Listening
Upper Intermediate B2. level


In this lesson, students look at three pictures and describe them by using the word “right”. Students complete two vocabulary exercises by matching sentences to the right meaning of the word "right". Students listen for inference in order to work out the meaning of the word " right" in two different sentences. In addition, students read for specific information a quiz and answer its questions. They then check their answers with each other. They listen for detail the explanations of the correct answers. The final task includes listening for specific information where students listen again to the recording and answer 12 questions. Students discuss their answers as a whole class.


Abc Vocabulary Ex 1 and 2
Abc Reading text
Abc Reading
Abc Listening ex 2
Abc Reading and Listening ex 3
Abc Listening ex 3

Main Aims

  • To give students practice in reading and listening for detail and specific information in the context of the word "right" with multiple-meanings.

Subsidiary Aims

  • to introduce the multiple-meaning of the word "right" and to practice speaking for fluency by checking the answers of the quiz.


Warmer (5-6 minutes) • to get students interested in the topic.

Students will look at three different pictures and in pairs will write a sentence for each picture by using the word " right". One picture is with a guy with his thumb up suggesting that " the answer is right or you are right". Second picture is a road sign with an arrow suggesting to "turn right". Third picture is of a guy and someone else who has covered his mouth with their hand suggesting " you are not allowed to talk" so the person has not got the right to talk. The idea freedom of speech. Whole class feedback where students discuss about the sentences they have written.

Vocabulary ex 1 and 2 (5-7 minutes) • to understand the different meanings of the word " right"

For ex 1, students tick the sentences in which right means correct. WC feedback. For ex 2, students match the sentences to the correct meaning of the word "right". FB- Students link the sentences with the correct meaning of the word "right" on the board.

Listening for Inference (3-5 minutes) • to work out the meaning of " right" in two different sentences.

Students listen to two examples of teachers talking. Students match the explanation of the word "right" to what they hear. Students check their answers in pairs. WC Feedback.

While-Reading (8-10 minutes) • to read for specific information and to practice speaking.

Students read the Right Answer Quiz and answer the questions individually. They then discuss if they have the same answers as their partner. WC Feedback.

While-Listening (8-10 minutes) • to listen for detail in order for the students to check their answers and understand the explanations of the correct answers.

Students listen to the recording and as a whole class discuss if any of the answers surprises them. Students explain the reason why.

Listening/Speaking (8-10 minutes) • to listen for specific information in order to answer the questions.

Students listen to the recording and answer the questions. Students check their answers in a group of 3 or 4. Students then discuss their answers with the whole class. Students discuss if any of the answers surprises them and they also discuss about the answers of the questions.

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