Personal Information - 7am 10-14-2021
Adults Basic A1 level


In this lesson the students are going to learn how to say their personal information and how to write it, also they will be able to talk about the personal information of other people using the possessive adjectives.


Abc zoom
Abc Zoom's board
Abc A power point presentation about personal information.

Main Aims

  • The students are going to learn how to present themselves and how to say their personal information.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To learn the possessive adjectives.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Ask the students how they are and check their homework.

1st cycle - writing and speaking. (20-25 minutes) • To prepare students for the next tasks and make it accessible

Pre - task: Ask the students if they know how to say their personal information. While - task: Teach the students through and example how to say their personal information in English. Post - task: The students are going say their personal information orally.

2nd cycle - writing and speaking. (20-25 minutes) • To help students to develop the abilities to say the personal information of someone else.

Pre - task: Ask the students if they know how to introduce someone else and say his or her information. While - task: Teach the students how to talk about another person through examples, using the possessive adjectives. Post - task: The students are going to say the information of somebody in their family.

Cooler (3-5 minutes) • To wrap up and finish the lesson

Assign the students some homework and make sure they don't have any doubts about the topic of the class.

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