Lauren Burden Lauren Burden

TP 3 - Lexis
Upper Intermediate level


In this lesson, students learn about forming adjectives through guided discovery based on a text about describing life’s ups and downs. The lesson starts with a discussion in pairs offering inspirational advice to each other. This is followed by exposure and highlighting tasks where students read the text for general understanding and then focus on the bolded words to underline the suffixes (or prefixes). Next, students will receive MFP clarification of adjectives and new vocabulary. Finally, students will pick the best suffix/prefix in a gap fill exercise for controlled practice of the target language before participating in some freer practice where they will describe family members or friends using adjectives in a paired speaking activity.


Abc Meaning
Abc Exposure
Abc Highlighting
Abc Controlled practice

Main Aims

  • To introduce and practice forming adjectives.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in the target language (adjectives) through a discussion in the context of describing family members..


Warmer/Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Ask students to discuss the topic of inspirations in teams (~2 mins). Have a sentence (and maybe photo) on slide 1 to encourage Ss to offer inspirational advice. A specific topic will be given, ex: advice on life’s ups & downs (words of encouragement). CCQ: inspiration: moved to do something, usually creative.

Exposure (4-5 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

The students will read the text and decide what the missing word is (~2 mins). They will have some options to choose from. There is only one word that fits all of the blanks. Tell them to ignore the bolded words for now. ICQ: How many words go in the blanks? (one) Does the same word go in all of the blanks? (yes) Do you complete this individually or in pairs? (individually) What word best fits in the blanks?  smile (correct answer)  Flowers (plural & doesn’t make sense that someone is too tired to give you flowers)  Heart (doesn’t really make sense: a heart costs nothing but gives much…) Compare answers in pairs/group in the chat before OCFB (~1 mins) Singular noun because of the article; can you give it to someone? (abstractly)

Highlighting (3-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

Now students will focus on the bolded words in the text and underline/pick the suffixes in google forms (~2 mins). Not all of the bolded words in the text have suffixes ICQ: what are suffixes? (added to words to create adjectives, specifically the end of nouns) Do you know any examples? (-ful, -ed, -y, etc) How does this differ from prefixes? (pre = front, usually to create opposites of words, ex: un-happy). Give demo with powerful or valuable on google forms. o Beneficial (ial) o Wealthy (y) o Powerful (ful) o Penniless (less) o Unhappy (no suffix) o Discouraged (ed) o Optimistic (ic) o Depressed (ed) o Anxious (ious) o Insecure (no suffix) o Valuable (able) o Tired (ed) Compare answers in pairs/group in the chat before OCFB (~1 min)

Clarification (12-15 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Clarify MFP of adjectives used in the lesson on google slides. Beneficial (/ˌbɛnəˈfɪʃəl/) CCQ: is this good or bad? (good) Is this similar to helpful? (yes) FCQ: What is the root word? (benefit) What is the suffix/prefix? (ial) Pron: Suffix adds another syllable, but where is the stress? (FI) Weak suffix: don’t pronounce ci-al, just cial (sh sound) Wealthy (/ˈwɛl.θi/) CCQ: does this person have money? (yes) Do they have a lot or a little? (a lot) Synonym: rich FCQ: what is the suffix here? (-y) Root word = wealth Pron: don’t stress -y; 2 syllables Penniless (/ˈpɛ.nɪ.ləs/) CCQ: what’s the opposite of wealthy? (poor) If you’re poor, do you have any money? (no, penniless) FCQ: Prefix of suffix? (suffix) Pron: how many syllables? (3) Where is the stress? (PE) Don’t stress -less, it has weak e Unhappy (/ʌnˈhæpi/) CCQ: is this the same as happy? (no) What is an antonym for happy? (sad) FCQ: prefix or suffix? (prefix) Where does it go? (in front) Pron: adds a syllable (now 3); Where is the stress? (HAP); weak u sound in un Discouraged/discouraging (/dɪsˈkʌɹɪd͡ʒd/) CCQ: Are you hopeful or not hopeful? (not hopeful) Do you feel sad/upset or happy? (upset) Do you have confidence? (no) FCQ: suffix; can you use it only with -ed? (no, can use -ing too) -ed & -ing: adjectives of feeling have 2 forms Pron: where is the stress? (COUR); how many syllables? (3) Don’t add syllable for -ed; weak a sounds like I Optimistic (/ˌɒptɪˈmɪstɪk/) CCQ: Is this negative or positive? (positive) Has something happened or will it happen? (will happen; expecting) Are you expecting something good or bad to happen? (good) FCQ: What is the suffix? (-ic) Pron: syllables? (4) Where is the stress? (MIS) Weak I before stress; K sound at end Anxious (/ˈæŋ(k).ʃəs/) CCQ: Is this a good or bad feeling? (bad) Do you know what is going to happen? (usually no) Synonyms: worried, nervous FCQ: What’s the root word? (anxiety) Suffix? (-ious) Pron: 2 syllables; Xi= sh sound; g sound between an & x Insecure (/ɪnsəˈkjʊə(ɹ)/) CCQ: Are you comfortable or uncomfortable? (un) Are you confident? (no) Are you in danger? (psychically, not likely) FCQ: suffix or prefix? (pre) Difference between In & un secure (felling not confident vs being unsafe) Pron: 3 syllables; cure pronounced with a qu sound, not c/k

Controlled Practice (4-5 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Students will quickly (~2 mins) complete a gap-fill exercise to check they have understood how adjectives are formed and check the meaning of the new adjective. ICQ: How long do you have? (2 minutes) Is this individual or in pairs? (individual). Give demo with the first one, ex: Sometimes the most use___(ful/less) thing to do is to stop and think! CCQ: effective: getting the result you wanted; pessimist: ; worse: less good. Fill in the gap with the correct suffix or prefix. Make sure the new adjective matches the meaning of the sentence.  To be effective, sometimes the most use___(ful/less) thing to do is to stop and think!  People who are pessimist__(less/ic) never get disappointed.  Some people are successful because they are talent__(ed/less).  Tell the truth even if it hurts because its worse to be ___honest (in/dis).  Nothing is __possible (im/ un) if you keep trying! Compare answers in pairs via private messages in the chat box before OCFB (~2 mins)

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Students will now pick 3 adjectives from a list on google slides to speak about in BORs. Try to pick at least one negative and one positive adjective. With a partner, the students will describe their family or friends using the adjectives they chose, and ask follow-up questions (~2-3 mins per person) Pick 3 adjectives from below:  Positive: Interesting, successful, wonderful, talented, exciting  Negative: disappointing, dishonest, unpopular Feedback and DEC (~2 mins)

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