Tatiana Hidalgo Varela Tatiana Hidalgo Varela

TP8 - Grammar
Upper-Intermediate level


In this lesson, students will practice grammar based on a reading/listening text about a psychological test. The lesson starts with a discussion about a picture of a forest and students will need to mention a word representing their feelings and answer 6 questions for the psychological test. This is followed by reading/listening for gist when selecting the correct expressions to complete the blank spaces, and then the MFPA is covered through some guided discovery activities, CCQs and eliciting. Later on, there is a controlled practice activity in which students should complete some sentences with the correct comparative adjective/adverb. Finally, there is some freer practice through a discussion based on some given prompts connected with real-life context.


Main Aims

  • To provide clarification, review and practice of double comparatives in the context of a psychological test.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist and detailed reading practice using a text about double comparatives in the context of a psychological test.
  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a discussion in the context of life situations using double comparatives.


Warmer/Lead-in (4-6 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

OCD T will show a picture of a forest and will ask Ss to answer the following question by using only one word: - How would you feel if you were walking in this forest? T will tell Ss to work in individually and answer some questions they will listen to in an audio and at the same time they will be reading the script.

Exposure (6-8 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

T-S (Instructions) T will ask Ss to listen to the analysis of the previous questions that were answered because they're part of a psychological test. T will instruct Ss to quickly read the text while listening to the audio and do the proposed activity, which is about selecting the correct options to complete the missing information. T will check Ss' understanding of the task by using ICQs: * Do you have to write? No * Will you do the activity individually? Yes Ss will select the correct answers while listening and reading, and at the same time they might reflect upon their own answers to the questions. They will have 4 minutes. OCD (Open Class Discussion) Ss will check their answers with the teacher to have OCFB

Clarification/MFPA (10-12 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

T-S (Instructions) T will explain that the following activities will be done in groups, section by section. T will provide a link to Google Forms via Nearpod, which will be used for Meaning & Appropriacy, Form, and Pronunciation. Ss will access the link, T will demonstrate how to do the activity for Meaning & Appropriacy by doing with Ss an example, Ss will select the correct expressions and then classify some into the most appropriate category by working in groups and do the activity on their own. Ss will check their answer with the T once they finish as an OCFB. If necessary T will use some synonyms and reformulations to check the meaning: CCQs/Synonyms Are the following sentences commonly used when referring to past & present or cause & effect relationships? The bigger the animal, the more problems you have. = If the animal is big, the problems you have are more. The harder and more resistant the material of the cup is, the stronger your relationship is. = If the material of the cup is hard and resistant, your relationship is strong. 🡪 CAUSE & EFFECT RELATIONSHIP Which of the following sentences is more common to hear: “If the material of the cup is hard and resistant, your relationship is strong” or “The bigger the animal, the more problems you have.”? → If the material of the cup is hard and resistant, your relationship is strong Is this sentence: “If the material of the cup is hard and resistant, your relationship is strong” formal or neutral? → Neutral Is this sentence: “The bigger the animal, the more problems you have.” formal or informal? → Formal Then, T will ask Ss to go to the BORs again to work on Form by completing the grammar rules just by selecting the correct options. Ss will check their answer with the T once they finish as an OCFB. Finally, Ss will go back again to the BORs to work on Pronunciation by listening to an audio and selecting the correct stress and intonation patterns of some sentences. Ss will check their answer with the T once they finish as an OCFB. Ss will practice their pronunciation while the socialization.

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

T-S (Instructions) & GW T will ask Ss to work in groups in a Nearpod activity. They will have to complete 6 sentences with the correct comparative adjective by using the structure. They will have 6 minutes. The first sentence will be done as an example. T will check Ss' understanding of the task by asking some ICQs: * Will you do the activity in groups or individually? In groups * Do you have 4 minutes to do the activity? No, 6 minutes OCFD (Open Class Feedback Discussion) T will nominate students to share their answers. T will ask Ss if they agree or disagree with those given sentences. Ss can verbally peer evaluate or comment on answers.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

GW (Group discussion in break-out rooms) T will give Ss 6 minutes to complete the task. Ss will have to select at least 3 of the given prompts to generate a conversation. Mention their ideas and explain. Use at least one sentence with the double comparatives and then listen to their classmates giving their comments on the same topic. T will check Ss' understanding of the task by using ICQs: * Will the activity be individual? No * Do you have to write or speak for this activity? Speak * How long do you have to do this speaking activity? 6 minutes OCD (Open Class Discussion) T will close the breakout rooms and Ss will return to the main room. T will nominate 2 or 3 Ss to share their classmates' ideas (or their own)

DEC (3-5 minutes) • To make students aware of mistakes

T-S & OCFD (Open Class Feedback Discussion) T will use an empty slide on Nearpod or the Zoom Chat to type some sentences that were mentioned during the class by Ss to review grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, or accuracy. Ss will be encouraged to express their comments and opinions about those sentences and say if they're correct or which corrections should be done.

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