Greetings and alphabet 7pm 10-11-2021
Adults Basic B1 level


In this lesson the students are going to learn their first expression in English and how to say hello and good bye when meeting some one.


Abc Power point presentation about greetings and farewells.
Abc A power point presentation about the alphabet
Abc A video with the alphabet about horror movies.

Main Aims

  • To teach students their first expressions in English and how to greet and say good - bye.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Develop students' speaking ability


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students in to their first English class.

Tell students to present themselves, if they don't know how to do it hey can do it in Spanish, after that the teacher will present herself and she will explain some rules and basic things about the course.

1st cycle - writing and speaking. (20-30 minutes) • To introduce students to the English language.

Pre - task: Ask the students if they know how to say hello and good - bye in English, Then the students will read some texts about greeting in English. While - task: Teach the students some greeting and ways of saying good bye. Post - task: Practice and ask the students some of the questions to say hello and some ways of saying good - bye.

2nd cycle - writing, speaking and listening. (15-20 minutes) • The students will learn how to say the Alphabet in English

Pre - task: Ask the students if they know the alphabet and to say what they know, also ask the students if they like horror movies and tell them they can make a horror movies alphabet. While - task: the students will watch a video about a horror movies alphabet. Post - task: The students will say the alphabet and copy it in their notebooks.

Wrap up (2-5 minutes) • To finish the lesson

Assign the students some homework.

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