B2 level
Main Aims
To provide clarification, review and practice of passive voice in the context of not placing blame.
Subsidiary Aims
To provide fluency and accuracy speaking practice in a conversation in the context of not placing blame.
Procedure (45-45 minutes)
Have you ever been blamed for something you didn't do? OCFB
Dialogue Role-Play. Why hasn't the report been finished?
How do you know it's the other employee's fault? - Passive voice What is the employee trying to do here? - Not blame co-worker
Meaning: When is the passive voice useful? - When we don't know who did it or we don't want to place blame. Does the meaning change if we use active vs. passive voice? - Yes, one places blame and the other doesn't. Appropriacy: What is happening in the picture? - Politician doesn't want to take responsibility. Politicians like to use passive voice in these situations to avoid blame. It can be useful in our own lives as well, to protect ourselves or others. Form/Pronunciation: How do we form these sentences in the passive voice? Subj + verb + object becomes Subject + to be + verb, where the object becomes the new subject, and the original subject is gone. Drilling exercises to practice sentence stress changing from 3 words stressed to 2 words.
Students will do page 1 on their own, check with partner in BOR if time. Show answer key. Students will do page 2 in BORs (because there may be several correct answers). Will go over in class.
You are left to babysit your little 8 year old sister. She… makes a bit of a mess. When your mom comes home you try to explain what happened - but don’t blame your little sister! Students will have several pictures of destroyed rooms to describe what happened without saying who did it (little sister). Will rotate in BORs if time. Feedback and DEC.