TP6 - Functional Language
Upper-intermediate level

Main Aims
To provide clarification, review and practice of language used for managing discussions and politely disagreeing in the context of clothes and fashion.
Subsidiary Aims
To provide gist and detailed reading practice using a text about clothes and fashion in the context of a discussion.
To provide fluency and accuracy speaking practice in a discussion/debate in the context of clothes and fashion while using functional language about managing discussion & politely disagreeing.
Procedure (40-52 minutes)
PW (Pair Work) or OCD T will tell Ss to work in small groups and answer the following question: - Can the same clothes work for all ages? Ss will participate freely and collectively in breakout rooms or as a whole class while giving their opinions and listening to their classmates. T-S (Open Class Discussion) Ss will return to the main room and T will ask 2 of them to share what they previously discussed.
READING/LISTENING FOR GIST T-S (Instructions) T will ask Ss to work individually for the activity. T will instruct Ss to quickly read the text while listening the audio and do the proposed activity. T will check Ss' understanding of the task by using ICQs: * Do you have to read the text in detail? No * Will you do the activity individually? Yes * Do you have a specific time to do the activity? Yes, 3 minutes Ss will guess what the people were talking about in the radio program. They will have 3 minutes. OCD (Open Class Discussion) Ss will share their answers with the class to have OCFB READING/LISTENING FOR DETAIL T-S (Instructions) T will ask Ss to work individually for the activity. T will instruct Ss to follow the reading while listening to the audio and do the proposed activity. T will check Ss' understanding of the task by using ICQs: * Do you have to understand the text in detail? No * Will you do the activity individually? Yes * Do you have a specific time to do the activity? Yes, 4 minutes Ss will complete some missing info from the radio program. They will have 4 minutes. OCD (Open Class Discussion) Ss will share their answers with the class to have OCFB
T-S & PW T will ask Ss to classify the key vocabulary (managing discussions & politely disagreeing). T will provide a link to a Google Jamboard Activity for Meaning. Ss will access the link, T will demonstrate how to do the activity by doing with Ss an example, Ss will go to the slide with a given number on it and do the activity on their own. Ss will classify the expression into the most appropriate category. Ss will compare their answers with a partner in a breakout room (optional) and then will check with the T once they finish. If necessary T will use some synonyms and reformulations to check the meaning: SYNONYMS: MANAGING DISCUSSIONS Let's start with you (Name)... = to start a discussion with the first comment (Name), what about...? = to ask another person for their comments Let's go back to... = to return to a topic that was previously mentioned So, to sum up... = to summarize the mentioned ideas Can you let (Name) finish? = to avoid interruptions among the commenters Sorry, go ahead = to apologize for interrupting another person REFORMULATION: POLITELY DISAGREEING Sorry, but I don't agree. = Sorry, but I disagree / Sorry, but I don’t think the same. True, but... = That’s right, but / That’s correct, but I'm not sure about that. = I don’t think so / I don’t believe that. I agree up to a point, but... = I partially agree, but… / I don’t completely agree, but… T-S (Open Class Discussion) T will use Google Forms to show the key vocabulary (managing discussions & politely disagreeing) in context with the examples used in the Meaning Activity. Ss will answer some guided questions, in groups, to identify the form of each expression. And later on, OCFB will be conducted. T-S T will ask students for the correct pronunciation of each of the expressions learned during the meaning and form practice while using Nearpod to project the sentences. Ss will practice the correct pronunciation. T will also make emphasis on connected speech when reading the examples used for the Meaning Activity Ss will repeat the examples and practice the connected speech alongside intonation.
T-S (Instructions) - GW T will ask Ss to go to a Google Forms link and in groups select the correct expression to complete each one of the blank spaces, so they can fill in the missing info of a conversation. They will have 6 minutes. T will check Ss' understanding of the task by asking some ICQs: * Will you work in groups or individually? Groups * Do you have to take notes? No * Do you have 4 minutes to do the activity? No, 6 minutes OCFD (Open Class Feedback Discussion) T will nominate students to share their answers. Ss can verbally peer evaluate or comment on answers.
Ss-Ss (Peer to peer discussion in break-out rooms) or GW T will give Ss 8 minutes to complete the task. Ss will have to discuss with partners by selecting some of the given topics, one being the leader of the discussion and the others mentioning their opinions T will check Ss' understanding of the task by using ICQs: * Will the activity be in groups? Yes * Do you have to write or speak for this activity? Speak * How long do you have to do this speaking activity? 8 minutes
T-S & OCFD (Open Class Feedback Discussion) T will use an empty slide on Nearpod to type some sentences that were mentioned during the class by Ss to review grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, or accuracy. Ss will be encouraged to express their comments and opinions about those sentences and say if they're correct or which corrections should be done.