Parinaz VK Parinaz VK

TP 2
Elementary level


In this lesson, the students are introduced to present simple through a reading text about different type of calendars. The Students also get to work on their reading skills - both reading for gist and reading for specific information- through some tasks designed for this purpose. Finally, there is a semi-controlled speaking task through which they communicate about what they do and don't on different occasions.


Abc Months Cards

Main Aims

  • To help students develop their skills of skimming and scanning ( Reading for gist & specific information )

Subsidiary Aims

  • To give the Ss a chance to practice present simple and present simple negative


Lead-in (5-6 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

1. The teachers puts the months cards on the board out of order and asks the Ss to come to the board and put them in order. The Ss are also supposed to read the month out so that the teacher makes sure if they know how to pronounce them or not. 2. To review the season, the teacher uses the Season Slide, and reviews the months that go in each season.

Pre-Reading (9-10 minutes) • To preteach some words and prepare students for a reading activity

1. Using the Celebration Slide, the teacher checks the concept of celebration with the students. The teacher also tries to elicit the New Year's Day. 2. Using the same slides, the teacher asks the Ss when and how people celebrate the New Year's Day in three different countries. Then, she asks the Ss to work in pairs and talk about what they do on the New Year's Day. When they finish, a student from each pair reports on his/her partner. 3. The teacher asks the Ss where they can find the information about months to elicit the word calendar. Then, she introduces three different types of calendar using Calendar Slide. In this step, the words "Gregorian calendar", "Islamic Calendar", and "Indian Calendar" are pretaught.

Reading for gist (4-5 minutes) • to help Ss to develop their skill of reading for gist

1.Using the True-False Slide, the teacher tells the students that they will read a text about calendars, and that they will answer the true/false questions about the text. The teacher set one minute for this activity. Then, the teacher give out the reading text and the true-false HO. The Ss should have a look at the true/false statement before going through the text. 2.As soon as they finish, the Ss check the answers in pairs and then the teacher asks three students to read out the answers to the whole class.

Reading for specific information (7-8 minutes) • to enable the Ss to deal with reading texts in more depth

1.The teacher gives the instruction about the specific information questions that they will have to answer at this stage before giving out the HOs. The teacher will probably use a slide featuring the same questions as in the specific information handout to make the instructions as clear as possible to the Ss. The Ss will have six minutes to complete this task. When they finish it, the teacher will put them in different pairs to check their answers. 2. For feedback, the students are called randomly to come to the bard and write the answers down.

Semi-Controlled Speaking Practice (11-14 minutes) • To prepare students for freer use of language in speaking

1. The teacher puts the students in groups of three 2. The teacher gives each group a different set of questions on Questionnaire Cards, and individual Ss asks the questions to each other in turn and take notes on the cards. The teacher sets 6 minutes for this activity. She also demonstrates the instructions with two other students and then gives out the questionnaires. 3. In the meanwhile, the teacher monitors the Ss for any errors and notes them down so that she could emphasizes them with the Ss at the end of the activity. 4. For feedback, the teacher asks all the Ss to stand in a big circle to talk about their groupmates using the info from their cards.

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