Reading original text
Upper-intermediate level


Students read from an authentic text from "The observer" about government challenges. Students will focus on meaning and how it relates to them. The lesson starts with a lead-in where students guess the topic based on images. Then students discuss some questions about government responsibilities. This activity is followed by a word wall activity where students match vocabulary with pictures and definitions. After that students go to reading for gist with a google form named "Guess the heading". Following this activity, students go into controlled practice where they will answer questions for detail. Finally I the free practice students will discuss two positive thins and two negative things about their governments. They will also grade their governments from 5 to 10 where 10 is the highest score and then they will explain why they give such score.


Main Aims

  • To provide gist reading practice using a text about Government challenges in the context of • To provide fluency speaking practice in the context of goverment responsibilities, weaknesses and strenghts

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a Conversation in the context of • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of areas of government responsibilities and challanges. • To provide the opportunity to discuss the topic of governement in their own context. Describing strenghts and weaknesses and explaning the reasons they have to back up their standing and opinions.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

For the lead-in, I will show students slide 1 with pictures and they are to describe what is it that they see. They Look at the pictures and think of who or what is responsible for those in their countries. Here are the questions they will see and discuss in pairs or teams. Do you think These pictures have to do with the government? Yes/no Why? What are some of the responsibilities a government has with its people? Describe two things that your government does well and two that you believe, it doesn’t.

Pre-Reading/Listening (10-12 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

In this pre-reading, the aim is to allow the schemata activation that started in the lead-in activity to take context, introducing a game for the definition of key vocabulary that students need to allow them to achieve meaning in the text. STEP ONE I explain the matching activity and send them the following link for meaning as the first step of MFP. I share the link and give them 1 minute and then we do it as a group STEP TWO After the activity, meaning is contextualized and tested through the CCQ questions. 1.- LOCKDOWN In the pandemic crisis did you stay in your house? Did people you know stay in their homes? Did the government ask citizens to stay in their houses? China locked down its entire population in order to control the virus Covit 19 The verb to lock down noun a lockdown /ˈlɒk.daʊn/ 2.-ENDURE Do people with cancer suffer a lot? The people that go across the border, do they experience something painful? What other things can people endure in their lives? We had to endure a nine-hour delay at the airport. She's already had to endure three painful operations on her leg. /ɪnˈdʒʊər/ 3.-EAT YOUR WORDS Is it easy for you to admit to someone when you were wrong about something? Did Donald Trump accept his errors? What do you think Democrats would say to Donald Trump? to admit that something you said before was wrong: Sam said it would never sell, but when he sees these sales figures he'll have to eat his words. /iːt/ /jɔːr/ /wɜːd/ 4.-noun and verb Have you promised something to someone? Is it important to pledge your commitment to your company? Is a pledge similar to a promise or to promise? to make a serious or formal promise to give or do something /pledʒ/ 5.-Boldest -Is it similar to brave? Was Pancho Villa brave? Who do you think is very brave? What is the boldest thing you have ever done? not frightened of danger /bəʊld/ 6.-forthcoming Is there a class coming next? What is your near future event? Is there a forthcoming class after mine? happening soon /ˈfɔːθˌkʌm.ɪŋ/ 7.-thrown into the long grass Does your government delay projects? Can you think of social programms that your government has canceled? Is thrown into the long grass similar to canceled? to delay dealing with something, especially because you want people to forget about it: /θrəʊn/ /ˈɪn.tuː/ /ðə/ /lɒŋ/ /ɡrɑːs/

While-Reading/Listening #1 (5-8 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading/listening tasks

I share the google form and I explain to students they need to guess the headings to the text. I check answers with them.

While-Reading/Listening #2 (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading/listening tasks

Students will read in pairs the questions and answer the form together. They will be open questions which means they need to type their answers very objectively. I send the google form with the four questions. We check the responses as a group. Question 1. What does the writer imply with "another lockdown would be intolerable? ANSWER 1: Boris Johnson promise not to have restrictions again but there is a looming fourth covit-19 wave coming and the decision of a lockdown could start talks among his party (Conservators) about him not being suitable for the job. Question 2 What are the unpopular decisions that Sunak and Johnson may not be able to avoid? ANSWER: Restore order to the public finances since they have spent close to 400 billion pounds by May. Decisions are to be made on everything from benefits to budgets for public services including NHS (health-care), pensions, social care, and more. Question 3 What do Johnson and the UK government intend to achieve in the COP26 summit in Glasgow? ANSWER: they want to show that they can lead internationally when it comes to the topics of global warming and climate change. Question 4 Why Johnson and Sunak do not carry out the social care reform they pledged to? ANSWER: The problems are structural and financial. They don't want to risk the coming elections in 2023 giving the electorate painful realities.

Post-Reading/Listening (10-12 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

In this activity, I will promote writing notes but focusing on a speaking task in pairs and then as a whole group. Students will access the following link to a padlet in which they will collaborate as a team before discussing in teams and finally as a WG. I will then monitor the teams and promote participation. In the end, I will give them feedback on jam board with one error or mistake per student. Process: Click on the next link and read the questions. Then write a few notes and finally discuss with your team. In the end all of you will comment on your partner’s points of view. Questions to discuss: Name two positive things about your government. Name two negative things about your government. Give a grade to your government from 5 to 10, being ten the highest score. Take notes. discuss in your team report to class describing your partner’s ideas or points of view. ANSWERS will vary and the goal is fluency and correction until the end.

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