Karla Flores Karla Flores

TP5 Speaking.
Pre-Intermediate level


In this lesson, learners are going to practice their speaking skills in the context of talking about firsts. The lesson will start with a lead-in, in which they will talk about how good their memory is, also they will identify which significant firsts they still remember. Next, the learners will listen to a man talking about the first time he met his wife. They will do a gist task and through guided discovery, analyze MFPA of the target language. Finally, they will practice using the target language in a speaking activity in the BoR. Back in the main room, the teacher will conduct Open Class Feedback and Delayed Error Correction.


Abc Students' Book.

Main Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of talking about firsts.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist listening practice using a text about firsts in the context of a man talking about the first time he met his wife.


Lead-in (2 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students.

- T displays Jam board with a question related to the topic: Do you have a good memory? - T elicits participation from different ss and makes follow-up questions.

Content Preparation (3 minutes) • To trigger previous knowledge students can use in the speaking task.

- T asks ss the question: Which of these things do you still remember? Your first day at work, the first time you drove a car, your first pet, your first English lesson, the first time you met someone important in your life. - SS think their answer and the T nominates some students to talk. - T writes ss ideas on the board.

Language Preparation. (10 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

1. Listening. 2 mins Instructions: Listen to Josh and answer the question. ICQs: Are you listening for detail or just to get a general idea? (a general idea) - Ss listen and answer individually. - T displays answers. 2. Meaning. 3 mins. Instructions: Click next. Here we have some sentences about Josh's story. In pairs, match the beginning and the end, so they can make sense. - T demos task. - Ss answer in BoR - T displays answers. 3. Pronunciation. 2mins - T models pronunciation of the language, in sentences. Focusing on linking sounds. - T elicits choral repetition. 4. Form. 3 mins Instructions: identify the verb tenses of the words in green, and which kind of words are the ones in blue and yellow. - Ss identify Instructions: Order the connectors of sequence. - Ss order the connectors of sequence. -T conducts OCFB. 5. Appropriacy. 1 min - T asks ss if the language can be used in both, formal and informal situations.

Productive Task(s) (15-20 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

- T displays the list of firsts from the content preparation stage, Instructions: Choose one important 'first' that you can remember. Answer the questions and write short notes. 2 mins Then work in pairs and tell your stories to each other. You will change partners every 5 minutes. - T demos task. ICQs: How many firsts are you going to choose? (one) What do you have to write? (short notes) What will happen every 5 mins? (we will change partners)

Feedback and Error Correction (6 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

- T conduct OCFB, by asking some ss to say which was the saddest, funniest and strangest story. - T writes ss ideas on the board. - T conducts DEC, by writing some samples of the ss production, asking learners to identify the correct and incorrect sentences and correct the latter ones.

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