TP 3a
B2 level
Main Aims
To provide clarification of used to - would in the context of childhood memories through guided discovery and enable them to practise the target language effectively.
Subsidiary Aims
To provide fluency speaking practice in a discussion in the context of childhood memories is another subsidiary aim of this lesson.
To provide gist reading practice using a text about two children's childhood memories in the context of childhood.
Procedure (34-49 minutes)
The lesson starts with a short video of a toddler. Ss share their ideas about what the toddler does in the video, children's favorite activities individually. Then, the teacher jumps to his childhood abruptly and give some examples about his own activities and dream jobs in the past. He also presents some pictures about an old lady and her childhood dreams. After these steps of short lead-in, students become familiar with the context of childhood dreams effectively.
Teacher shows the pictures of the text and elicit the context. Students work in pairs and share their ideas with whole class.
Students work in groups during this stage. Teacher presents the questions on the board and gives instruction about the task first. Then, teacher gives a paragraph to each group and asks for the students to read the paragraph quickly and answer the questions about the paragraphs. Students discuss the questions, and share their ideas eachother.
The teacher chooses 4 marker sentences from the presented paragraphs. Teacher gives these sentence, the explanations of rules of function, form and meaning to students on hand outs. During this stage, students work in pairs and share their answers with other pairs. Teacher let the students work together and discover the rules of grammar. Teacher asks for students to find the answers outside the classroom because the answers are on the doors of other classrooms. Teacher presents the function,meaning and form of particular sentences from the context on the board. He shows Subject, used to/would, Base Verb, Object and drill the sentences(Backchaining) Finally, teacher show the asnwer key on the board if necessary. Students complete a series of controlled activities and then check their partners answers.(Peer check).Teacher gives FB. Feedback is always quick during this stage of lesson.
Teacher presents the questions first and give time to students to discuss the questions with their partners. Teacher observes Ss carefully, gives delayed feedback, and take notes about common mistakes.