Amanda Amanda

Amanda Dutton CELTA TP3 9.14.21
Intermediate level


LP3 Past Continuous


Abc Word Document - Activity/ies and Questions
Abc PPT Presentation
Abc Audio File from Course Text

Main Aims

  • By the end of the lesson, students will have learned and practiced the past continuous verb tense in the context of a travel story.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Students will learn additional vocabulary words/phrases in relation to travel.
  • Students will have practiced listening and speaking in the PCT


Warmer/Lead-in (3-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Show PPT slide #1 with image of the view from an airplane. There is a question, "Do you have an air travel story? An 'airline story.'" This is to clarify the question since they may not know the more colloquial "airline story." Teacher starts with an anecdote. Elicits responses from students.

Exposure (4-5 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Gist listening task. Students are shown PPT slide #2 with vocabulary. No long discussion - definitions are provided with stress markers. Students are shown PPT slide #3 with the vocab words and cartoon image from the text with a woman sitting in the WC of an airplane. Students are asked, "Take one minute and write in the chat box what you think happened given the image and the vocabulary words. Let’s listen to her, and then we will see if we are correct!" Students listen to the audio file (1.54 long). OCFB of their answers/predictions.

Highlighting (3-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

Ss are shown PPT slide #4 which reads, "Let’s Listen Again. Fill in the blanks with what she says …" It ___________________ when I left the house. When I boarded the plane, all the other passengers ____________________ for me. I ___________________ my book, when one of the flight attendants spoke to me. I ___________________ on the toilet when the turbulence started. They are to listen and fill in the blanks. Questions are available via share screen and in Word document posted to chat. After listening to the recording, Ss are allowed 1 minute to review their answers and correct if needed. Students are shown PPT #5 with the answers: It _was raining________ when I left the house. When I boarded the plane, all the other passengers __were waiting_____ for me. I __was reading_________ my book, when one of the flight attendants spoke to me. I ___was sitting___________ on the toilet when the turbulence started. Time for them to read and ask questions, if needed.

Clarification (11-12 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

MEANING: Ss are shown PPT #6, which reads: It was raining when I left the house. The other passengers were waiting for me. I was reading my book. They will be asked the CCQs that follow: Did it start raining as the woman left the house? When did it start raining? Had the other passengers just started to wait for her? How long had they been waiting? Was she reading as the attendant came up to her to speak to her? Had she just started reading when the attendant came up to her? Ss are shown PPT #7, which reads: This is the PAST CONTINOUS verb tense. This is about a continuous action in the past that takes place over time, not a one-time event/action in the past. Used to describe: The context for a story and/or sequence of events: I was waiting for the bus when … An event in the past that extends over time: I was watching TV at 8.00 last night. A repeated action in the past (habitual): I used to play the violin. It includes a timeline drawing from the Workman book showing "I was watching T.V. at 8 o'clock last night." FORM: Ss are shown PPT #8, which reads: Subject + was/were + verb/-ing + object. This is the PAST CONTINUOUS verb tense. This is about a continuous action that takes place over time, not a one-time event/action. Used when: Setting context for an event: I was waiting for the bus when … Answering a question about a past action: Q: What were you doing at 8.00 last night? A: I was watching TV. And includes a graphic of the timeline for past continuous. Ss are shown PPT #5 which reads: POSITIVE FORM Subject + was/were + verb/-ing + object. She was doing her homework. NEGATIVE FORM Subject + was/were + not + verb/-ing + object. They were not doing their homework. INTERROGATORY FORM Were + you/we/they + verb/-ing + object? Were you doing your homework last night? Yes! Were you? Was + I/he/she + verb/-ing + object? Was I doing my homework? Of course! Stress markers are placed over the TL words. PRONUNCIATION (and continued Form): T will model the example sentences in each form, ask the Ss to repeat chorally, and then ask 2-3 students to repeat it individually.

Controlled Practice (9-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Ss shown PPT #9 with the following: Let’s Practice! Use the pronouns given and construct the past continuous verb form given the base verb that is paired with the pronoun. A year ago, _______________(I / to live) with my parents. At nine last night, ____________________ (we / to sleep). Q: What _________ (you / to do) at midnight on New Year’s Eve? A: We ____________ (to watch) the celebrations on TV. __________ (she / to not study) when I got home, _____________ (she / chat) to her friends online. A. ___________ (Most people / to not wear) suits for the job interview. B. What ______________ (they / to wear)? Questions are also provided on Word doc in chat. T and Ss do the first one together (1 min.). Ss sent to BoRs to complete the assignment together. (8 mins.) Ss are brought back and shown answers on PPT #10, OCFB. (1-2 mins.)

Free Practice (10-11 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Ss are shown PPT #11: Tell YOUR story! Tell the story of something that happened to you once. Practice using the past continuous verb tense. It could be about anything! A childhood story A travel story On the job When you were with family Pets, children To get you started, think of how you would fill in these blanks: Once, I was __________ and then _____________... Ss sent to BoRs to discuss and practice (8 mins.). If time, return to OCFB to share and for DEC (2-3 mins.)

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