Hadeel Hadeel

lP, TP4, Hadeel Fadl
intermediate level


In this writing lesson, students will be reviewing the useful phrase to use in sending/ replying to invitations .This lesson starts with analysis task to focus on the formal and informal phrases for inviting and replying email. This is followed by two writing tasks in which the student will be practicing the target language.


Abc handout
Abc screen
Abc board

Main Aims

  • to review the phrases used for formal and informal invitation , acceptance, and refusal
  • to write an email of invitation or reply

Subsidiary Aims

  • To learn some new vocabulary
  • To practice writing


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

- Show the students some videos on the screen about the different social occasions or events - Ask the students what kind of event each video is - Students work in pairs to discuss the following questions: 1- Did you plan for any of these events before? 2- What did you do? 3- Did you invite anyone of your family or friends before? How did you invite them? 4- Did you refuse any of the events' invitations before ? Why? ICQs: 1- Do you have to write something? 2- Are you working in pairs ?

pre - teach vocabulary (8-10 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading/listening

- introduce the word " invitations" by showing the students a picture of it on the screen CCQ: 1- is it request or offer? 2- Can it be oral? 3-Can it be written? Shor-notice: give the students a definition with an example of situation of short notice CCQs: 1- Is it something planned? 2- Is there a long time before it happens?

Useful Language (8-10 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

Students will be working on an analysis task in which they will solve an exercise to match each invitation email with its proper reply ( in pairs) and then complete the sentences below to focus on the phrases used to invite someone to a meeting, wedding, or stay for the weekend and their replies then students check their answers by looking at the answer key . - Ask the students to look at the emails again to underline the useful phrases for inviting, and for accepting or refusing an invitation - T divides the board into three sections for invitation, acceptance and refusal and elicit the phrases to put them on the table with focus on the formal/ informal contrast

Productive Task(s) (18-20 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

Students will be working on writing task 1 Each students has to write an invitation to one of his classmates ( the name of the classmate will be written on a the invitation by the teacher previously ICQ: 1) Are you going to write to anyone of your classmates? 2) Are you going to use formal or informal phrases? Writing task 2: -Teacher takes the invitations from the students and distribute them to the class then students have to reply with acceptance or refusal with giving appropriate reason. ICQs: 1) do you have to reply? 2) Do you have to write the reasons for acceptance or refusal? -Teacher sticks the students emails on the wall and ask the students to stand up and move around the class to read the invitations and decide which invitation they'd like to accept most and why?

Feedback and Error Correction (8-10 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

write the students' mistakes that the students have done in writing and allow the students to correct them on the board

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