Teaching Practice 2 - edited
Beginners level
Main Aims
To provide gist and specific information reading practice using a text about an email in the context of travelling.
Subsidiary Aims
To provide practice of the verb 'to be' in plural, positive and negative.
Procedure (37-49 minutes)
I will put some printed pictures of the vocabulary to the new text on the WB and elicit the meanings from the students. I will either write the meaning to the pictures on the WB myself or have the students do it, depending on their willingness. Each word will be written as a part of speech (for example, a hotel - in a hotel, a room - a big/small/nice room etc.). We'll practice prinunciation.
I will put an enlarged picture of Sally and Dan on the WB and have a quick brainstorming about it. Then I'll give out cut lines of the text and put them into 3 groups. All of the groups will have to put the text together. One of the groups will be putting the text together on WB. The picute will be available on the WB for them to look at. Once all the groups are done, we'll check it together.
The students will read the text to find out where Sally and Dan are. They can discuss with their group.
I will give out HO with the exercise no. 5 on p. 23. It's a true or false exercise to the text, where students have to correct the wrong statements. We will do an answer key on the board with the help of the early finishers.
I will give out 'postcards' and everyone will pull a name of a student from a hat (the names have to include only those students in the class that are present at this activity). Everyone will write a short email similar to the one we've just read. When they're done, each of them will find the respective partner and tell them what they wrote on the card.
I will start by picking 2 students to come to me to the WB. Then, referring to exercise 8 on page 23, I'll hold out a Spanish flag and ask if we're Italian. My aim is to get them to tell us we're not Italian and then I'll expand the sentence to 'We aren't Italian, we're Spanish.' I'll ask a few more similar questions and elicit answers.
I'll give out HO to the listening exercise and have the students listen to the track first time and then second time. They'll fill in the gaps in the HO. We'll do check up on WB.
We will start by looking at the listening exercise, after having checked the answers on WB. There will be a few incorrectly written sentences from the listening exercise on the WB. I'll have students tell me what the mistakes are, writing explanations for contractions or full form wherever needed.
I'll give out HO, exercise 9 on page 23, students will do it individually, then we'll check it on WB. Afterwards they'll discuss the questions to the text in pairs. We'll check the answers together.
Students will be divided into two or three groups. Each group will get a dice with all the personal pronouns (I, you, he...). They will take turns to roll the dice and have to produce questions or sentences with that particular pronoun and are/aren't, is/isn't. The team that gets the most sentences/quesitons wins.