emanmtwalee@gmail.com emanmtwalee@gmail.com


Abc dialogue hand out/fill in gaps hand out/board/marker/student book

Main Aims

  • To provide the students with a very important grammatical rule to be able to express their expectation and plans for the future as well as at the end of the lesson they will be able to practice and apply the rule of (supposed to regarding speaking practice and also writing one . .

Subsidiary Aims

  • to make the students come across 2 productive tasks either a speaking task or a writing task at the end of the session/in addition to grasping the link between (be supposed to and should ) as a way to refer to the necessity.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

firstly, I am going to enter the classroom greeting my students by saying hello,how are you all? and then the will be replying .the next step will be about giving off some flash cards .each flash card contains a name of a job .each student will have one after that i will tend to stating a question on the board (what is expected to be in the future in your flash card) .then each student will see the name of the job and he will be allowed to act this job by gesture or imitating sounds in front of his/her colleagues but before this warmer up .i will give them instruction at the beginning (now you are going to receive some flah card and..........) for lead-in . (now we will start our amazing topic today .i just want everyone of you to be attentive)

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

in this step ,i am going to provide the students with a hand out which includes a dialogue between a university student and tv reporter as you see the dialogue below but before giving the handout .i will put it in front of my chest saying now you are going to receive a dialogue which contains 2 gaps and i want you to fill them and you are going to work individually icq Are you going to read individually or in pairs? individually Are you going to read or listen? read HOW many gaps should be filled? 2 gaps After that i will try to elicit the answers of the students the answers will be 1- i will be a translator 2- i should know all the translation rules. according to the first one i will tell them that we have a different way to say i will be a translator ( i am supposed to be a translator) ,the sa me for number 2 i should know all the translation rules ( i am supposed to all the translation rules)

Highlighting (2-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

it time for letting them listen to me while i am saying i am supposed to be a translator /he is supposed to be a translator i am supposed to know all the translation rules/he is supposed to know all the translation rules .next each one will be asked to repeat the sentence

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

meaning should be covered here as i will tell them that we use am supposed to in as an example in he is supposed to be a translator to refer to our plans and what pepole expect about us in the future and we use the same rule for expressing necessity as example ( he is supposed to know all the translation rules. ccq is he supposed to be a translator now or in the future? in the future do people expect that he will be a translator? yes is it not essential to go to school if i said you are supposed to go to school? no, essential pronounciation i will show that the stress is on is supposed to be form v.to.be+supposed +inf

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

the students will gain the opportunity to get their hands across a choice exercise as you see it below now you will get through a practice and i want you to fill in the gaps in pairs having only 5 minutes icq are you going to work in pairs or indvidually? pairs how many minutes do you have ?5 minutes

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

in this step the students will be taking a writing task ( a paragraph includes 5 sentences to write about which faculty they want to join and what they are supposed to be after joining it and what the requirements to do this job) they will be doing the task in 8b minutes icq are you going to write or speak? write what are you going to write? paragraph about......

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