Asma Shalaby Asma Shalaby


Abc Power point
Abc pictures

Main Aims

  • To test the students' knowledge about the context of food and restaurants, to provide them with new vocabulary and phrases that they will be able to use mainly when eating out, and practice it in groups and sentences.
  • Listening to enable students to develop their listening for detail skills by listening to a dialogue for ordering food.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Students must be able to remember detailed and specific information after listening to a conversation at a restaurant in order to be able to use them in filing gaps and to write a dialogue
  • Speaking - to enable students to practice their fluency speaking skills by exchanging opinions and reaction to the audio text.


Warmer (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

In this stage, I am going to greet my students and ask about their feelings. I am going to recall the contract with them. As to prepare them for the session I would start with a nice ice-breaker it would be asking some questions and they have to react to them.

lead -in Pre-Reading/Listening (10-12 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

In this stage, I am trying to recall some food vocabulary, I am trying to elicit some phrases that they already know about the topic as well. I am going to show them a picture of different kinds of food and ask the question " what would you like to eat?" and let them answer and speak freely. They have to answer with "I would like to eat........" I am going to teach some phrases to order food such as -1) Are you ready to order? 2)What would you like to order? 3) I'd like french onion soup, please. I am going to ask them " what would you like to order from this menu?" , I will give them one minute to think then discuss with me and share their answers.

While-Listening #1 (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading/listening tasks

After teaching some phrases related to the topic, students would be invited to listen individually for gist to get the main idea. I would ask them " where are they?" and let them choose between three choices; at the restaurant, at work, or at home. ICQ: Are you listening for all the information or to get the main idea?

While-Listening for specific and detailed information (14-16 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading/listening tasks

In this stage I am going to give students scanning questions, they are going to listen for specific information. They have to answer these questions: 1) What did they order for the main course? 2) What drinks did they order? They are going to answer individually then I will assign them into breakout rooms to check together then come to double-check with me. students are going to work individually and to listen for the second time in order to "circle true or false for some sentences" then I would assign them into breakout rooms to check-in groups then double-check with me. ICQ: what are you going to do?

Post-Listening (8-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

After listening to the text, in this stage, I am going to give them a chance to check their understanding through the filling in the gaps exercise. They are going to work in 2 groups then come to check answers with the teacher. I will put students in two groups to work on a speaking activity; the first group consists of 3 people ( waiter and two costumers) and the second group consists of two customers. They are going to design dialogue to order food at a restaurant using the taught phrases. ICQ: what are you going to do?

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