Elementary level
Main Aims
To introduce and give practice in functional language to ask about health, show sympathy and give advice.
Subsidiary Aims
To give practice in reading for gist and detail. To consolidate and give practice in lexis related to health and health problems, and “should” for advice.
Procedure (41-49 minutes)
To set the context of the lesson, show students the pictures and stick them on the board. Write on the whiteboard (WB): "Where do you think they are?" and "What are they talking about?" Ask Ss to guess. Ss work alone. Ss then check their ideas with a peer. Don't give any feedback (FB) at this time. Give students the texts (vocabulary flipped to the back). Get Ss to read the conversations and match them with the pictures (but not write anything yet). Ss work alone. Ss then check their ideas with a peer. Take FB.
Tell Ss to flip the vocabulary of ex4a so it becomes visible. Ss work in pairs to fill in the gaps. Ss check their answers with a peer. Ss listen to both conversations (R10.9) and check their answers. Take FB. Focus on the meaning: Write headings of ex5a on WB and draw three columns. Check Ss know what the headings mean, especially "expressing sympathy". Stick sentences on other side of WB in random order. Ask Ss to pick one for "asking about someone's health" and stick it in column 1. Then, explain "expressing sympathy" by using the question they picked for column 1 as an example to elicit a sentence for column 2. Act out sympathy as you model the sentence Ss chose. CCQs: When a friend tells you that he is ill. Do you feel happy or sad? Sad Do you talk loudly or softly when you express sympathy? Softly Ask Ss to pick a sentence for "giving advice" and stick it in column 3. Ss in pairs match the remaining sentences. Ss check their answers with peers. Take FB and stick the sentences in the appropriate column on the WB. Focus on pronunciation: Ss listen to the tape (ex7) and practice pronunciation of the sentences in 5a. Model and drill with Ss pronunciation and intonation. Check by nomination individual Ss.
Ss work in pairs. Tell Ss which pairs will practice conversation 1 and which pairs will practice conversation 2 from ex4a. Tell Ss they can decide who is A and B. Tell Ss to practice the conversation until they can remember it. (4 min) While Ss practice, stick both conversations on the WB. When time is up, ask Ss to turn the page and look at the WB. Ask pairs of conversation 1 to stand up. Tell pairs that they will have their conversation together now, 8 more times. But after every conversation, T will remove one sentence. (alternate between A and B). Repeat the above steps for conversation 2 with the respective pairs.
Divide the class in two equal groups: A and B. Put Ss of group A in one line, Ss of group B in another. Ss of both groups should be facing each other. Show Ss the handout they will receive. Explain Ss that Ss of group A have to choose and illness from the list. Ss of group B have to be sympathetic and give advice for their peer. Model with one pair. Explain people that when I clap my hands, group A moves one person towards the door, and the person without a peer moves to the back of the line. T monitors and takes notes for correction in a later phase. After 2 minutes, Ss of group A and B switch roles. Ss of group B will choose and illness, Ss of group A will provide advice. T monitors and takes notes for correction in a later phase. T writes errors on WB and elicits corrections from Ss.