cansın calıskan cansın calıskan

Tp 2
Pre-Intermediate level


In this lesson, the students will have the opportunity to practice the use of the prepositions; in, on, at. I'm planning to use test - teach - test approach as they are partly familiar with these prepositions. After presenting them the target language, I will ask them to work in groups for practicing these prepositions.


Abc flashcards (own)

Main Aims

  • To provide review, clarification and practice for the prepositions; in-on-at.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice of prepositions of time
  • To give students controlled speaking practice to develop spoken accuracy.


Warmer/Lead-in (8-10 minutes) • To enable the students practise the target grammar which they are partly familiar with.

I will give each student a card with a 'When...?.' question on it. The students will stand up and mingle in front of the board. They will ask and answer to the questions for 5 min. so that they could have the chance to practice both question forms and statements regarding 'time'. I will divide the WB into three columns and write in-on-at as the title for each category. Then, I will hang big flashcards of time expressions such as 2005, winter...etc. to the right side of the WB. After that, I will ask the students to work in pairs for 3 min. to discuss which category each expression belongs to. Once they have finished discussion with their pair, I will give each student a flashcard and I will ask all of them to stick it to the right category at once. Then, I will get a WC feedback by checking their answers.

Substitution Drill (4-5 minutes) • To help students memorise and practice the use of prepositions, in-on-at together with time expressions.

I will tell them the sentence; 'I had a shower in the morning.' Then I will show a flashcard with a time expression on it. The student will retell the sentence by using that expression and by adding the correct preposition.

Controlled Written Practice (5-7 minutes) • To practice the target language by asking their opinions about times and dates about their daily lives.

I ask them to work in pairs and I give them a worksheet with sentence parts on it such as ' The best time to go shopping is...'. Then I ask them to share their ideas with each other and complete the rest of the sentences by adding time expressions. When they finish the activity, I get the answers from each pair.

Controlled Spoken Practice (15-20 minutes) • To enable them to produce 'When?' questions on their own and to give answers by using the target language they have revised throughout the lesson. To motivate them to work in groups and to have fun by competing the other group.

I will divide them into two groups and I will ask them to find a group name for their team. Then, I will ask them to compose questions starting with 'When?' about the important events or famous people. For example, a group will ask when Ataturk was born and the other group will answer in '1881'. After each group prepares 5 questions they will give them to the other group and the members of each group will discuss and try to find the correct answers for the questions. The group which has more correct answers will win the game. After the game finishes, I will ask the WC the correct answers of the questions.

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