Julian Cano Julian Cano

Intermediate level


In this lesson, students will practice second conditional in the context of special powers


Abc Google Jamboard

Main Aims

  • By the end of the lesson, students will second conditional in the context of special powers

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide speaking practice about special powers


Lead in (3-5 minutes) • To engage learners and activate their previous knowledge of topic area.

Teacher shows some pictures about super heroes and shows a question. Question: What is your favorite super hero? Why? Teacher wording: Ok students, in this part of the lesson, we have these pictures about some known super heroes, please discuss with your classmate about your favorite one and why, give your reasons. You have 2 minutes. -Teacher asks them to discuss in pairs in the BoRs -Teacher elicits a few ideas from learners -Teacher conducts OCFB

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To cover MPF of grammar to aid completion of the tasks

Teacher shows a short video about super heroes using second conditional to provide the gist practice and asks students to discuss about what the video is about. Teacher wording: in this moment, we are going to watch this video and after that we will discuss about what the video is about. -Teacher asks them to discuss in pairs in the BoRs -Teacher elicits a few ideas from learners Meaning: Teacher extracts one sentence from the video to cover meaning. Sentence: "If you were a superhero, your name would be Captain Arrogant". Teacher will explain that second conditional is used to talk about unreal situations using CCQs. Teacher CCQS: Do you think second conditional is used to talk about real or unreal situations? Form: Teacher explains the second conditional form. Teacher splits the previous example in two parts (The condition and the result) and explains the characteristics of both parts using guided discovery, and CCQs: Teacher CCQs: is this the condition or the result? In the condition, what tense are we using? In the result, what tense are we using? Pronunciation: Teacher covers pronunciation emphasizing on stress and intonation. Teacher uses CCQs: Teacher CCQs: in what part or parts do you notice we make the stress? In what part do you notice we talk stronger? In what part do you notice we talk slower?

Controlled practice (5-7 minutes) • To practice the language learnt

Teacher provides some sentences to be completed by the students. The students must fill in the blanks with the verbs provided depending on the part of the sentence (Condition or result). Teacher wording: in this part of the lesson, you have to complete these spaces in these sentences with the verb given in parentheses in the corresponding tense. You have 5 minutes. -Teacher asks them to share in pairs in the BoRs -Teacher elicits a few ideas from learners -Teacher conducts OCFB

Freer practice (8-10 minutes) • To produce what they learnt

Teacher shows some questions and asks students to discuss them in pairs. Teacher wording: in this final part of the class, you are going to have a discussion with your classmate about the following questions: The questions are: If you had a special power, what would you be able to do? If you could do something with that special power to take care of the environment, what would it be?

Feedback (5-6 minutes) • To provide learners with feedback on the completion of the task

- Teacher conducts OCFB following up on the productive stage. - T writes on the screen samples of learners’ production - T conducts OCFB

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