Mark Wolter Mark Wolter

Pre-Intermediate level


Students learn how to listen to, give, and receive directions.


Abc Student Textbook
Abc TLAS Grammar 6 Sheet

Main Aims

  • To provide practice with functional language in the context of of travel and navigation

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice with directions


Warmer/Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

-- T shares slides with SS -- T asks SS "If I were to visit your city, what places would you recommend I visit?" -- T elicits responses from SS -- SS give answers -- T says "Today, we are going to be going over functional language. Functional language is language that is used in everyday speech. Today, we are specifically going to be looking at directions."

Audio: Gist and Intensive Listening Tasks (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

-- T goes to next slide -- T says "Okay, so now we are going to be listening to some audio. Make sure to pay close attention." -- T plays audio -- T asks SS "What is the man looking for?" -- SS respond -- T says "Okay, now I'm going to play the audio again, but this time, I want you to tell me where the "Grand Motel" is located in relation to the restaurant." -- T plays audio again -- SS respond

Meaning, Form, Pronunciation, and Appropriacy (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form, pronunciation, and appropriacy of the target language

-- T goes to next slide -- T goes over meaning of selected phrases from audio -- T goes over MFP + appropriacy for "Left" -- T goes over MFP + appropriacy for "Right" -- T goes over MFP + appropriacy for "Straight Ahead" -- T goes over MFP + appropriacy for "Cross the street" -- T goes over MFP + appropriacy for "Block"

Language Practice for Accuracy (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

-- T shares next slide with SS -- T says "Now, you'll have two minutes to come up with directions for this image on the slide. You'll do this individually." -- T gives SS two minutes -- 2 minutes elapse -- SS share their directions

Communicative Task (5-7 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

-- T shares next slide -- T says "Okay, now you are going to come up with directions to some place. It can be made up or real. You just need to tell me how to get there. You'll have three minutes to do this with a partner" -- T puts SS in pairs in breakout rooms -- T visits breakout rooms -- After three minutes, SS reconvene -- SS share directions with class

DEC (2-3 minutes) • Teacher provides feedback

-- T provides feedback to SS -- T thanks SS

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