Mohamed Hassan Negm Mohamed Hassan Negm

Stuck on Desert Isand
Intermediate level


In this lesson, students will practice reading for specific information and detailed information. The lesson will end with the students practicing speaking within the context of being stuck on a desert island


Abc Handouts #1 (New Cutting Edge- Workbook- intermediate)
Abc power point presentation

Main Aims

  • To provide detailed and scan reading practice using a text about Stuck on a desert isalnd in the context of future society

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a Stuck on a desert isalnd


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

I will show a picture of a movie " cast away" . I will ask students some questions. What can you see? Do you like to live alone on an island for a period of time? Students will discuss the in three minutes three questions I put on the board. I check student's answer.

Pre-Reading (5-8 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

- I will use the ECDW technique to introduce the new vocabulary: (be) cut off (from the world),pastry (pastries), go mad. - I will show pictures on the ppt to elicit the meaning. I will use CCQs if necessary: Be cut off from the world 1- Is he alone? yes 2- Does he like to be with other people? No 3- Is he isolated? Yes Go mad 1. Is he feeling well? No 2. Can he control his actions? No 3. Is he angry? yes - I will drill the new vocabs chorally, in pairs ,and individually. - I will show the written form of the words on the board.

While-Reading #1 (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with challenging gist reading tasks

I will instruct them to answer exercise 2c. Read the posts quickly and answer the four questions. Read for the understanding. I will ask them ICQS. Will you read quickly or slowly? quickly Will you read everything? NO Do we need to understand every single word? No How many questions will you answer? 4 I will handle them the handout and model the first one with them. I will ask them to find someone misses people, family, or anyone inside the text. Students will answer alone. Then, they will check their answer in pairs. I will show the answers on the board.

While-Reading #2 (5-10 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading tasks

I will instruct them to answer exercise 2d. Read the posts in detail and answer six questions. They will read the text slowly to get these details. I will ask them ICQS. Will you read quickly or slowly? slowly Will you read everything? yes How many questions will you answer? 6 I will model the first one. Then, they will check their answer in pairs. I will show the answers on the board.

While-Reading #3 (Flexi Stage) • To provide students with less challenging specific information reading tasks

I will instruct them to answer exercise from handout 2. Read the posts quickly and answer the four questions. Read for the understanding. I will ask them ICQS. Will you read quickly or slowly? quickly Will you read everything? NO Are searching for a specific thing? yes How many questions will you answer? 4 I will handle them the handout and model the first one with them. I will ask them to find the word mobile. Students will answer alone. Then, they will check their answer in pairs. I will show the answers on the board.

Post-Reading/Listening (8-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

I will ask students to discuss three things they would miss the most and three things they would mess the least and why. They will have five minutes to discuss it in pairs. I will ask them. I will ask them ICQs; 1- Will you discuss things you will miss? yes 2- How many things you will discuss? three I will monitor and give help when needed. I will ask them if they have things in common? I will put two to four sentences on the board to check them linguistically.

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