Julian Cano Julian Cano

Intermediate level


In this lesson, students will practice functional language in the context of meeting someone for the first time


Abc New Cutting Edge Pre-intermediate

Main Aims

  • • • By the end of the lesson, students will practice functional language in the context of meeting someone for the first time (Making conversations)

Subsidiary Aims

  • • To provide practice about expressions to start or finish a conversation


Lead in (2-3 minutes) • To engage learners and activate their previous knowledge of topic area.

Teacher shows two general questions and asks students to discuss in pairs in the BoRs. Teacher wording: Here, we have these two questions, I want you to discuss them in pairs in the rooms; you have 3 minutes starting now. -Teacher asks them to discuss in pairs in the BoRs -Teacher elicits a few ideas from learners -Teacher conducts OCFB

Presentation through the text. (4-6 minutes) • To provide students a context to practice the functional language

Teacher plays an audio and asks students to complete two tasks (Intensive tasks). The audio will be played twice. The tasks will be shown with the audio, so students have the tasks while listening to the audio. Teacher wording: We are going to listen to an audio and you have to complete the following task (The teacher repeat the wording with the other activity) -Teacher asks them to share the answers in pairs in the BoRs -T elicits a few ideas from learners -T conducts OCFB

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To cover MPF - A of the functional language to aid completion of the tasks

Meaning: Teacher shows some expressions and asks students if each expression is used to start or to end a conversation. Teacher wording: Is this expression to star or to end a conversation? What do you think? -Teacher asks them to discuss in pairs in the BoRs -T elicits a few ideas from learners (Individually) -T conducts OCFB -T asks ICQs to check the understanding of the activity: Is this activity based on the audio or based on your opinion? The expressions are: Form: Teacher emphasizes on the previous expressions but the ones with question forms to clarify that most of the time when people know someone new, we tend to ask questions to get the information we want. (Constant - variant) Pronunciation: Teacher explains that intonation is important to determine the APPROPRIACY of the expressions. Teacher asks students to repeat the pronunciation of the phrases Appropriacy: Teacher plays an audio and asks students to determine if the statements are said in a polite, casual or rude way. Teacher wording: Now, we are going to listen to these statements and you have to decide if they are expressed in a polite, casual but friendly or rude way. Work individually -Teacher asks them to share in pairs in the BoRs -T elicits a few ideas from learners (Individually) -T conducts OCFB

Controlled practice (4-5 minutes) • To practice the functional language learnt

Teacher shows 4 answers and asks students to create 1 question for each answer. Teacher models one. Teacher wording: Here, you have these 4 answers, your task is to create the corresponding question for each answer. Please work individually -Teacher asks them to share in pairs in the BoRs -T elicits a few ideas from learners (Individually) -T conducts OCFB and writes learners’ ideas on the board.

Freer practice (8-10 minutes) • To produce what they learnt

Teacher shows each student a situation and a relationship, and they have two select one situation and one relationship to act it using the expressions seen before. Teacher wording: Here, you have this list of situations and relationships, please select one situation and one relationship, and you are going to act that situation with your partner; the idea is to use the expressions and questions seen before with your classmate. You have 8 minutes

Feedback (4-5 minutes) • To provide learners with feedback on the completion of the task

- T conducts OCFB following up on the productive stage. -T writes on the screen samples of learners’ production -T conducts OCFB

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