Anna Bavido Anna Bavido

CELTA Teaching Practice 2
Beginner Adutls level


Lesson teaches numbers vocabulary 20-101. The tens (30, 40, 50) will be taught first including their pronunciation and spelling. Then in a circle-ball game 21-40 will be taught. With a handout students will practice spelling numbers. Next, teacher will present the functional language of asking about ages. Finally, in a semi-controlled practice an age questionnaire will be completed in pairs.


Abc Age Questionnaire

Main Aims

  • To present and practice numbers from 20-101 and to ask and answer about ages.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Controlled speaking for accuracy


Vocabulary (7-10 minutes) • To present counting 20-100 by tens

• 20-100 by tens is already written on the board. • Ask students to guess the English for the numbers in pairs • Model pronunciation and get students to repeat several times • Explain students will look at spelling for these numbers and write the numeral. Model on the board with a number below 20 • Check in pairs first then by having students write the spelling on the board.

Circle-ball vocabulary practice (4-5 minutes) • To practice speaking numbers 20-40

Students make a circle. Throw a ball to one another as they count 20-40.

Spell 10 Numbers (8-10 minutes) • To practice spelling numbers

• Teacher will demo on the board how to write a two-digit number, highlighting the use of a hyphen on numbers that are not tens. • Students complete handout individually. • Check answers in a group • If any mistakes are found while monitoring, write them on board and ask students to correct the spellings.

Functional language (4-5 minutes) • To present 'How old are you?' and "I'm (number) years old."

• Teacher states her own age and asks a few students 'How old are you?" • From this, elicit the Q&A form onto the white board. How old are you? I'm 27 years old. • Elicit Q&A form for 3rd person.

Age Questionnaire (17-20 minutes) • To provide controlled speaking of target language

• Explain students will write the ages of their own family/friends/belongings individually. Give X as an option if they don't have a particular item. Verify with ICQs and then monitor. • Put students in pairs. Explain and act out guessing. Be clear that they are not yet to ask their partner. Unfold guessing column and start. Monitor. • With the WC practice saying the items in English separately and as part of the Q&A. Provide 1 Q&A on the WB as scaffolding. • Feedback: ask who has the most correct guesses. • Error correction on what was picked up on during monitoring.

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