tugba tugba

pre-intermediate level


In this lesson, students will ask questions to the teacher to learn about a couple that the teacher knows. They will think about a couple they know and make notes about them. They will follow this up by making groups of four and telling about their couple to their group and asking about their friends couples. And finally the students will choose the most romantic couple in their group.


Main Aims

  • To give students freer speaking practice in talking about the story of a married couple/ relationship.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To give students freer grammar practice in asking questions.


Lead-in (8-10 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T will stick a picture of an interesting couple that she knows on the board, and make students ask questions about that couple so that they will be able to ask questions about a couple by using target language.

Speaking preparation (5-7 minutes) • To prepare students for the next activity which they will talk about their couple with their group friends.

T will tell the students that each of them will think of a couple they know and make notes about them. T will give them the prompts in the book to make their notes according to.

Speaking (15-20 minutes) • To give students freer speaking practice in the subject of couples.

T will tell the students that they will make groups and she will help the students make groups by using her mimics and gesture.. T will tell them they will talk about their couple and they will ask questions to each other to find out more about their group friends couple. At the end, they will choose the most romantic couple in their group.

Feedback (10-15 minutes) • To have an outcome of the lesson

T will go around and ask each group who the most romantic couple was and T will ask more questions about that couple.

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