Maram Maram

Writing formal business letters format.
Low intermediate level


*Learning outcomes: At the end of this lesson students’ will be able to: *Identify the elements of a formal letter and apply them to build a letter. * Explore different forms of written communication. Identify the appropriate situations and purposes requiring a business letter format. * improve their writing skills. * improve their writing sub-skills: Punctuation, spelling, legible writing. *Improve their productive skills(speaking and writing) when they produce the output (written text.) *Improve their receptive skills (Reading and listening) when they receive and input from the teacher + classroom discussions. * write a formal business letter.


Abc pictures- worksheets-whiteboard

Main Aims

  • * to develop students' written expression of thought and provide learners opportunities to explore ideas and to build connections between content areas. * To enable students’ ability of formal business letter writing and know its usage.

Subsidiary Aims

  • * To develop students’ writing skills and subskills.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

• The teacher shows students an envelope picture (pic1) to activate students’ schemata and asks them what do they understand from the picture “What is this?” “What is inside it?” “Why do we write letters? And to whom?” *Then the teachers shows them another digitalized letter picture (pic 2) And asks them: “what is the difference between pic 1 and pic2?” “can they both be used in the same purposes?” •Then the teacher states to students that they will learn to write a business letter format.

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading/listening

• The teacher raises a discussion about the topic: • “what do you think a business letter format is?” • > A Business letter is a formal document used for professional correspondence between individuals • “To whom you might write it?” >>A often sent from one company to another or from a company to its clients, employees, and stakeholders • “what situations require it?” • > Employment verification and job offers. • “what are the elements/sections of it?” • 1)Your Contact Information • Your Name • Your Job Title • Your Company • Your Address • City, State Zip Code • Your Phone Number • Your Email Address • 2)The Date • The date you're penning the correspondence • 3)Recipient’s Contact Information • Their Name • Their Title • Their Company • The Company’s Address • City, State Zip Code 4)The Salutation • Use "To Whom It May Concern," if you’re unsure specifically whom you’re addressing. • Use the formal salutation “Dear Mr./Ms./Dr. [Last Name],” if you do not know the recipient. • Use “Dear [First Name],” only if you have an informal relationship with the recipient. • 5)The Body • Use single-spaced lines with an added space between each paragraph, after the salutation, and above the closing. • Left justify your letter (against the left margin). 6)Closing Salutation Keep your closing paragraph to two sentences. Simply reiterate your reason for writing and thank the reader for considering your request. Some good options for your closing include: • Respectfully yours • Yours sincerely • Cordially • Respectfully • If your letter is less formal, consider using: All the best/Best/Thank you/Regards 7)Your Signature

Useful Language (8-10 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

• “what to include in it?” • The teacher then gives students a purpose to write: • Give them a practice in writing formal letter styles. • And gives them audience: Which will be their peers and the teacher, who will send a feedback to them. •The teacher then shows students a template for the letter (pic 3)

Productive Task(s) (18-20 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

writing: *Aim: To Give students written practice in writing business letter format. *Mode of interaction: T- S *The teacher elicits responses from them by personalizing the students’ experience and relate it to the lesson: * If you want to change something in school, how can you contact the principle?” *” When you grow up where do you wish to work?” *” IF you live in a coastal city, and a certain company wants to develop it, what can you do if you disapprove these changes?” *The teacher gives students time to organize their thoughts And asks them to write a business letter to one of the following topics: “Write a letter to an employer (company/office/shop…) requesting a job” “Write a letter to the principal requesting a specific change at school.” “Write a letter to the mayor requesting a change be made to your city.”

Post-Writing (8-10 minutes) • To develop students’ writing skills and self-editing skills and their self-assessment skills.

Post writing: *Mode of interaction: T-S where the teacher gives instructions S-S where students work together • Then the teacher divides students into pairs, then after writing the first draft, the teacher asks students to do “peer-reading” where they exchange their texts giving feedbacks to each other ”peer-revision” • The students write the second draft after adjustments and editing based upon peer-reading. • A final draft is written where students edit one more time after (proof reading/peer editing). • The students then self - edit the draft to produce the final copy.

Feedback and error correction (3-5 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

*The teacher tells students that they will receive a response letter with a written feedback from him/ her with his/her comments and recommendations, which will give them audience existence that will encourage students to write.

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