Dru Sutton Dru Sutton

Intermediate level


This lesson will teach students the difference between present perfect simple and present perfect continuous.


Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of the present perfect continuous and simple in the context of daily life

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist listening practice using a text about a daily conversation


Warmer/Lead-in (5-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Students will work in small groups and have a short discussion with each other. The questions they will be asked are below. What do you do everyday? Is there anything you have recently finished? (a book, a project, etc.) Have you begun anything new?

Exposure (5-5 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading/listening

Students will be asked to match each sentence with the appropriate response. The sentences will be on Google Slides and students will work in a group to decide the proper order. After they have had some time to do this, the answer key will be given as a group, and the language the lesson focuses on will be highlighted as it is introduced. Students will be asked if they know what these two tenses are. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1-Np4izxETPGGsTeHd0QkEiNxW2OWyspFbzgr_J_AW1E/edit?usp=sharing

Useful Language (12-12 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

Meaning: Meaning will first compare the two tenses. Although this isn't particularly interactive, students need to see the difference between the two clearly. After, MCQs will be asked which should help to solidify the grammar's meaning. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1-Np4izxETPGGsTeHd0QkEiNxW2OWyspFbzgr_J_AW1E/edit?usp=sharing Form: Students will first have to work on a Google Form together where they will fill in the blank with the proper form (they will be given the verb and the tense). https://forms.gle/pX2S8zTgdSzafhfp9 After they have had a few minutes to do this, the answer key will be show to them. Following, a "blackboard" presentation of the grammar will be shown with the parts of the tense highlighted in various sentences so that student's have a color coded expression of form. (Google Slides) Pronunciation: This will use audio from 7.2 which gives a realistic pronunciation of these words. Students will be asked if they notice anything about how the tense is pronounced (they should notice how it is contracted). I will then show them the written contractions. (Google Slides)

Controlled Practice (10-10 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

This task will initially be done individually, then students will compare answers. After doing the form individually, I will have students working in BORs on comparing their answers. They will be given the words to fill in, and must select the appropriate tense. Some of the gaps may have more than one answer. The answer key shown during feedback will address these. https://forms.gle/bCv1vHqwQKch9zLy7

Freer Practice (10-12 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

Students will be asked to share about something they have started doing recently (a new hobby, studying something, working on a project, etc.). They will be asked to discuss in BORs with their peers and to try to use each grammar one time on their turn. The groups will be shuffled at the 5 minute mark. Is there anything that you have been doing recently that is different from usual? (ex. are you learning a sport even though you don't like them?) Have you tried something new? Do you have any hobbies? When did you start doing them? Afterward will be a DEC where we will discuss any issues with using the grammar.

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