Sarah Sarah

TP 3 Grammar - Sarah Magyar
Pre-intermediate level


In this lesson, students will learn about relative clauses and when to use which relative pronoun through a guided discovery about a Tulou in China. They will start by looking at the picture of the Tulou and discussing if they would like to live there or not. They will then read a text and do an activity that guides them to notice the TL. Teacher will then lead guided discovery of the MFP of the TL through a combination of activities, CCQs and modeling. Students will practice TL in controlled practice and then freer practice. Teacher will give language feedback.


Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of using relative clauses and the relative pronouns who, which, that and where in the context of housing and household items

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy speaking practice in a guessing game in the context of household items


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

- T asks learners to look at the picture of the tulou and discuss some question: Would you like to live in this building? Why or why not? - Learners work in small groups in Breakout rooms and discuss. - T conducts OCFB.

Text work (intensive task) (4-5 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation and draw students attention to the target language

- T will instruct learners to read the text and notice TL. Instructions: Highlight all of the sentences with who in green, where in yellow and which in blue. - Learners will work in small groups in Breakout Rooms - T will conduct OCFB.

Clarification (10-12 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

- T asks students to look at three sentences with TL from the text. - T leads guided discovery of MEANING of TL by asking questions: Look at the first sentence “The children who live here play in the long hall.” Look at part two. “Who live here” What does Part 2 gives us more information about? THE CHILDREN So what is the word “who” talking about? THE CHILDREN Does “The children play in the long hall.. The children live here too.” mean the same thing? YES Look at sentence two “The tulou which is in the photo is one of several tulous” Look at part two. “Which is in the photo” what does that tell us? MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THE TULOU So what is the word “which” talking about? THE TULOU Can I say “The tulou is one of several tulous. The tulou is in the photo.” YES Look at sentence three “In the middle is the hall where people pray” Look at part two“where people pray”. Does it tell us what the hall is like? NO Does it tell us what people do in it? YES So it gives us more information about what happens in the hall? YES So what is the word “where” talking about? IN THE HALL Could I say “In the middle is the hall. People pray in the hall.” These are called relative clauses. These pronouns are called relative pronouns. Think about why we use them? “There are animals. The animals live here too.” Why would we use the relative clause instead of two sentences? LESS REPETITIVE - T makes note of learners' answers on slide to help everyone follow along - T asks CCQs: Do we use the relative clause to describe something already mentioned in the sentence? YES Do we use the relative clause to combine two sentences into one? YES Do we use the relative clause to be more repetitive or less repetitive? LESS Are HE, SHE, or THEM relative pronouns? NO - T asks learners to look at 3 more sentences with TL. What is the relative clause giving more information about? - Learners send answers in chat - T notes correct answers and clarifies any that learners do not understand. - T calls learners attention to topic of the relative clause example sentences. - T helps learners describe the category for each pronoun: We use who for people. Which for things and animals Where for Place preposition + something - T asks CCQs and nominates learners to answer: Can I say these things? Yes or no “The students which are in my class are really smart.” NO “The glass which is on my table is empty.” YES “The children who are in the room are asleep.” YES “The bedroom which I go to sleep is quiet.” NO - T clarifies that THAT can replace WHO and WHICH - T asks CCQs: Can that replace where? NO “The students that are in my class are really smart.” YES “The children that are in the room are asleep.” YES “The bedroom that I go to sleep is quiet.” NO - T asks learners to listen to the sentence stress and choose the correct pronunciation. Send 1 or 2 in chat. Example: It’s something that warms up food. 1. It’s SOMEthing that WARMS up FOOD. 2. IT’S someTHING that WARMS up FOOD. - T draws learners attention to the lack of stress on the relative pronoun - T drills learners pronunciation individually and chorally

Controlled Practice (5-6 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

- T instructs learners to choose the correct relative pronoun to fill in the blank. - Learners work in groups in Breakout Rooms to answer the form - T provides answer key and asks students to compare answers. - T leads OCFB

Free Practice (6-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

- T uses sentences introduced in pronunciation clarification to describe a household item without saying the word. - T asks learners to guess the word. - T asks learners to: Think of a thing or person in your home. Write three sentences describing it using “It’s something that…”, “It’s someone who…” or “It’s in the room where…” 2-3 min. Individually - Learners try to guess each others' words in Breakout rooms. 3-4 min

Feedback and DEC • To provide feedback on learners accuracy in using the TL

- T makes note of errors or excellent usage by students during Freer practice. - T goes over items so that all learners can benefit.

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