Carrie Carrie

TP4 LP_CV Gordh
Intermediate level


In this lesson, students will be enabled to use “first” in a variety of phrases through a short reading, definitions, and various exercises that focus on meaning, form, and pronunciation. This is followed by a controlled that solidifies meaning and a freer practice that encourage students to experiment with using these phrases in conversation.


Main Aims

  • To provide understanding and enable the use of 12 "first" phrases through a short reading; investigation of meaning, form, and pronunciation; and through a controlled and freer practice.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of phrases in a way that leads to actual use of the terms and to help better develop pronunciation.
  • To provide accuracy and fluency in the context of "first" phrases through conversation, drilling, and active full class and pair interactions.


Lead In (2-3 minutes) • Engage students & reflect the knowledge they bring to the lesson

Students will briefly discuss and check an idea that centers on one of the "first" phrases, likely "Do you believe in love at first sight?"

Gist Read (3-4 minutes) • Quick timed reading allows students to develop reading skills while focusing on lesson topic

I have written a very short piece that includes all 12 of the "first" phrases. Students will have 3 minutes to read and make an informed guess as to what today's lesson will be about. After they have a chance to guess, I will show the reading with all of the "first" phrases highlighted.

Focus on: Meaning (5-6 minutes) • To highlight meaning of all 12 "First" Phrases

Students will use images, definitions, and a brief focus on problems in meaning, in order to first focus on the meaning in the 12 "first" phrases. We'll use the images as a full class to guess at the meaning, then review a definitions page that they can screen shot, and move to 6 challenging meanings (ex. "He's in first place!" vs. "In the first place, we need to calm down.").

Focus on Form (3-4 minutes) • Show the Parts of Speech for "First" Phrases

Using a table divided into "first + noun," "Compound Adjective," "Idioms/Expressions," & Other," we will work as a full class to put the 12 phrases in the correct part of speech. To simplify this, the parts of speech are hidden behind a sticky in the proper quadrant of the table.

Focus on Pronunciation (3-5 minutes) • Students practice and refine pronunciation of "first" phrases, focusing on linking phrases

While the first level of pronunciation began with the definitions of the "first" phrases, we now move on to linking forms like "first of all," "first impressions," "first aid," etc. Students will repeat these on their own and then use them in a sentence as part of a full group conversation. There's also a tongue twister included to keep students engaged and work with the 'f' and 'st' sounds with various vowels.

Controlled Practice (6-8 minutes) • Students Work with MFP of Target Language

Students will match the meaning of the phrase with a short definition to repeat meaning in a way that sets them up for success in the freer practice. Teacher demos then students work in pairs/trios. We return to check this as a full class.

Freer Practice (8-10 minutes) • Students will use 'first' phrases to form and ask questions

With list of 12 "first" phrases students are directed to work in pairs and write a question for each phrase, then ask each other the questions. We will demo one as a full class, then return to share our 'best' questions as a full class. I will also listen to the students work in pairs and pull both 'great' and 'how to improve' language that we will review in DeC at the close of class.

DeC/More Common "First" Phrases (5-6 minutes) • To review students' excellent and 'needs improve' use of target language and pronunciation. To also show students that there are more than just the 12 "first" phrases.

Students' conversations/questions will be noted on last frames so they can be seen and either noted as great or re-worked into effective language/pronunciation. I will also include 6 more "first" phrases so that students can see/learn that it's a fairly common and varied kind of phrase and not just limited to the 12 in the lesson. Lesson will end with gratitude for students efforts, risks, work.

Materials Links • Posting materials' links to include in LP4

For LP4: Jamboard (Structure of Lesson): Google Forms (Student Interaction):

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