Gregory Campbell Gregory Campbell

Mind and Body
A2 level


This is a language focus to introduce Ss to “should” for advice and give practice in it. The source for this lesson is the listening text at the beginning of the lesson, so Ss need to listen to this first to hear the language in context. This is new language for most of the Ss, but some may have heard it before even if they haven’t studied it in detail. It follows on with the same context of health from the previous lesson, but this changes a little for the final activity which focuses on more general advice.


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Main Aims

  • : To introduce and give practice in adverbs of manner through the context of an adventure center and indoor and outdoor activities.

Subsidiary Aims

  • : To review adjectives and contrast them with adverbs. To give controlled and freer speaking practice.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Re-introduce myself and check the Ss' names. Ss the picture of Mr Taylor. Show Ss the picture of Mr Taylor. Ask “Where is he?” “Do you think he’s healthy?” Elicit some ideas. Ss listen (R10.1) and check, then check their answers with a peer. Take feedback (FB). If students don't understand 'give up': My father usually smoked everyday. Now my father doesn't smoke. He gave up smoking. What is another word for gave up?

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • to listen for specific information and and to expose Ss to the target language (TL) in context

Show Ss ex7b. Ask them to read the questions and see if they can remember any of the answers. Ss work in pairs/small groups to check these. Ss listen again and answer the questions. check their answers with a peer. Take FB.

Highlighting (5-7 minutes) • Focus on the meaning/use and form of the TL

Focus Ss on question 6 from the previous ex7b. Elicit the advice the doctor gave and write the target sentences on the white-board. (If Ss didn’t get the exact words, play this part of the listening again). You shouldn’t eat so much red meat. You should do more exercise. Show Ss ex8 and ask them to complete the rules for “should”. Ss work in pairs/small groups to complete ex8. Take FB and highlight the form of this grammar on the w/b, e.g. - You shouldn’t eat so much red meat. - You should do more exercise. S + should + V1 shouldn’t

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • to focus on meaning and pronunciation

Tell the Ss that the doctor gave Mr Taylor some more advice. Show Ss ex9a and ask them to complete the gaps with “should” or “shouldn’t”. Ss work in pairs/small groups to complete ex9a. Ss listen (R10.2) and check their answers (ex9b). Use the recording again to drill the pronunciation. Ask Ss to write 3 more pieces of advice for Mr Taylor (ex9c). Ss work in pairs/small groups to write their advice. Ask some pairs to share their ideas with the class for FB – pay attention to accuracy here and correct errors with the TL.

Semi-Controlled Practice (3-5 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

Show the Ss the materials for ex10 Tell them they each have 3 problems and should think of 1 more problem each. Ss work alone to write their own 4th problem. Monitor and help if needed.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Divide the class into groups of 3 by the numbers at the top of their papers. Tell Ss they will tell each other their problems and give each other advice. Ask “Who can give better advice?”. Model this with a couple of Ss. Encourage Ss to use the examples in the speech bubbles on their exercise (e.g. “I can’t sleep at night. What should I do?” – “I think you should drink some hot milk”, etc.). Ss in groups of 3 tell each other their problems and give each other some advice. Monitor and make notes of any errors with the TL. Take some general FB, Ask, who gave better advice? or What advice did you hear? Then write some of the errors you noted onto the w/b and elicit the corrections

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