Christy Christy

TP 3 Reading Lesson


Abc • Life Upper Intermediate, Workbook. National Geographic, Cengage. Paul Dummet, John Huges.

Main Aims

  • To provide detailed and gist reading practice using a text about A Universal Language -Body Language and Universal Facial Expressions in the context of Gestures, Facial expressions, Postures

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a Conversations and Group Discussions in the context of Human emotions and universal body language.


Class Profile

The students in this Upper-Intermediate class are mostly adults and have been taking IH online lessons for a couple of months. They use Spanish as their first language. Only a couple of SS is very engaged when eliciting answers from them. At the same time, the rest are more reserved, most likely due to having a more restrictive vocabulary and lack of speaking confidence.


Students would have had some opinions about the topic since they all enjoy speaking tasks, though they might need a lot of support with ideas about medicine and some key lexis such as limbs, enhancement, surgeries, surgeons.

Personal Aims

In this lesson, I will aim to be vigilant with time management and breakroom organizations.

Anticipated Problems and solutions

Problem – Some students might have problems with the internet connection and have issues with breakout rooms. Solution – Keep these students in the main room and find a partner. Students may have a hard time focusing since they haven’t had time off in between courses. Solution - Keep them engaged by eliciting answers from students and keeping the activities varied and engaging. Problem - Students run out of conversation momentum during the personalization task. Solution - Give some extra small talk topics in the chatbox or while monitoring BORs. Problem - Students drop out of the online class leaving their partner alone in BOR during speaking tasks. Solution - Monitor BOR and reassign the lone student to another group if required.

LEAD IN (2-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

1. T displays some images on the screen. Look at these images: Share ideas with your group. - T gives a demo 2. Learners work in pairs in breakout rooms and share their lists in OCFB. 3. Learners work in BOR to share their answers *Instructions: Show screen, give an example Learners return to the main room and discuss how many ways are there to say hello in your country? is physical contact part of your culture?

Pre-Teach Vocabulary (6-5 minutes) • To cover MPF of key vocabulary to aid completion of the tasks

- T gives the link to the jam board format for learners to match the definitions and part of speech. - Instructions: Match the words with the definitions. - T conducts OCFB, and for each word, she covers MPF Beneath the surface: Who knew that beneath the surface Jackson felt differently. Pronounciation:/ bɪniːθ / Form: Preposition Meaning: If you talk about what is beneath the surface of something, you are talking about the aspects of it which are hidden or not obvious CCQ: What are some synonyms for beneath (under/underneath) and Surface (top layer/tabletop/ flat surface / to the naked eye) Frown: Meghan could tell something was wrong when she saw Luca's frown. Pronounciation: / fraʊn / Form: Verb Meaning: to lower your eyebrows, causing lines to appear on your forehead CCQ: is a frown a facial expression or a gesture? Stare Ben continued to stare out the window Pronunciation: / steəʳ / Form: Verb/Phrasal verb (to stare out) Meaning: to look intensely and for a long time at something CCQ: What are some synonyms for stare? (look/gaze/watch) Glassy: Randall was very still, his eyes glassy. Pronounciation: / glæsi / Form: Graded Adjective Meaning: When one describes an expression or feeling as glassy this indicates the person shows no feeling, emotion or awareness

Reading for Gist (5-6 minutes) • To provide an initial familiarity with the text

- Read the passage quickly and answer the question. - ICQs: Are we reading for much detail or just the main idea? (Main idea) - Learners read and answer individually. - Read an article about body language and say which of the sentences best summarizes the author's view - We need to learn how people from other cultures use body language - The differences in body language between cultures are small but important. - There are more similarities than differences in body language between cultures. How many minutes do we have to read? and answer 3 minutes - Check answers in pairs in breakout rooms - T conducts OCFB

Reading for Detail (10 minutes) • To get a deeper understanding of the text at sentence level

Read again and choose the best response. - T displays the screen and shows the first one. - Learners answer individually - According to the writer... 1. Making comparisons between cultures can be (fun/useful/dangerous) 2. standing too close to someone of another culture can: cause arguments, be a serious insult, cause discomfort 3. A lot of facts given in guides for travellers are: very important, not of much practical help, or wrong 4. Looking away from the speaker is a sign of boredom, sadness, or both 5. To avoid making mistakes in body language with other cultures, people need to be: Sensible, Sensitive or both 6.Differences in body language between people start at: an indvidual level, a cultural level, an emotional level. - Check answers in pairs in breakout rooms - T conducts OCFB

Post/ Follow up Task (8 minutes) • To allow students to respond to text in a communicative task.

S Work in Breaker Rooms to describe the following about your country. Discuss as a group with OCFB -The most common form of greeting -Common gestures that visitors are not used to -Common eating customs -Common misconceptions foreigners have about your country - Learners work in pairs and discuss this in breakout rooms. -return to the main room discuss common answers

Feedback (7 minutes) • To provide learners with feedback on the completion of the task and language

- T conducts OCFB and asks learners to share what their partners said about the solutions to the problems. - T checks what they discussed in their pairs. - T conducts OCFB - DEC (*)

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