Bojana Bojana

TP8- Grammar


Main Aims

  • By the end of the lesson, students will have had clarification on the meaning, form and pronunciation of will and going to in the context of a text about future actions and plans, and practiced this in a controlled and freer exercise.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist listening practice using a text about future plans in the context of travel, sightseeing, food


Lead-in (0-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Talk about each of the following: • Your arrangements for this evening • Your intentions for the rest of the year • Your predictions for the planet for 2022 -I will share a Google slide in the chatbox with the questions. -Will then instruct learners to talk in pairs or small groups in BOR for 3 minutes. -Ask ICQ- How long do we discuss these questions? -When they come back each student will share their plans.

Clarification (10-12 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

-I will play a video about future plans. Ss need to answer in google form what is the video about. Meaning: -I will give them a jam board to connect sentences from the audio with situations they are used in. This is to test their understanding of the meaning. Where needed I will give further clarification and contrast will and going to (mention that will is for decisions made this moment and going to is already planned). CCQs for both: Is this present or future? Future Is it formal or informal? informal Is it used for plans/predictions/decisions or desires? Plans/predictions/decisions. From: Positive: Subject + will + verb (I, You, He, She, We, They) will come to the party. Negative: Subject + will + not (won't) + verb (I, You, He, She, We, They) won't have time tomorrow. (Stress that I'll not and I won't are both correct). Questions: Question word + will + subject + verb What will (he, she, you, we) they do? Positive: Subject + to be + going to + verb I am going to attend the meeting. (He, She) is going to attend the meeting. (You, We, They) are going to attend the meeting. Negative: Subject + to be + not + going to + verb I'm not going to visit Rome next year. -Stress that it has only one way of writing the negative. (He, She) isn't going to visit Rome next year. *Show that there are two ways to write negatives here (She's not or She isn't going to). (You, We, They) aren't going to visit Rome next year. Questions: (Question word) + to be + subject + going to + verb Where am I going to stay? Where is (she, he) going to stay? Where are (you, we, they) going to stay? Pronunciation: Ask students to pronounce the sentences for you and to guess where stress is. Remind them about the negatives and stress. Form: Both are informal in this situation and remind them that will could be formal and then it is used in the form of future simple. Common future time expressions include: next (week, month, year), tomorrow, in X's time (amount of time, i.e. two week's time), in year, time clauses (when, as soon as, before, after) simple present (example: I will telephone as soon as I arrive) soon, later.

Controlled Practice (4-5 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

-They will circle the correct form. They will have 3 minutes. -Ask ICQs- What do we do in this task? Circle correct form. Do we have 3 minutes? Yes. -They will work with peers in BOR. -OCFB- I will share my screen with correct answers and we will check them together. If there is a need for clarification I will ask them to try to solve it first. If they are not able I will help. Quiz answers: 1. ‘re going to 2. will 3. will 4. ‘s going to 5. will 6. will 7. are going to 8. will 9. will 10. ‘s going to 11. will Peter knows that he is going to fly to Chicago next week. - Use the future with "going to" to express future plans. Oh no! I've broken the vase. What will I say? - Use the future with "will" when reacting to something that happens at the time of speaking. Jack is having a dinner party next Saturday. - It's possible to use the present continuous when speaking about scheduled events in the future. By the time you arrive, I'll have been working for two hours. - Use the future perfect to state what will have been finished before a time in the future. John hasn't eaten. - Don't worry I will make him a sandwich. - Use the future with '"will" to react to a present situation. We'll usually go out for dinner when he gets in. - Use the future with "will" when using "when" in the same sense as "if". Unless he arrives soon, we will not go to the party. - Use the future with "will" in real conditional (first conditional) sentences. I will be studying at nine tomorrow evening. - Use the future continuous to express what will be happening at a specific moment in the future. We will have finished by nine o'clock. - Use the future perfect to express something that will be completed by a specific time in the future. Look at those clouds! It is going to rain! - Use the future with "going to" when you can see that something is about to happen.

Semi-Controlled Practice (5-6 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

-They will complete the sentences using the correct forms of ‘will’ or ‘be going to’. They will have 3 minutes. -Ask ICQs- What do we do in this activity? Add correct form. Do we have 3 minutes? yes. -They will get 1-2 minutes to check with peers in BOR. -OCFB- I will share my screen with correct answers and we will check them together. If there is a need for clarification I will ask them to try to solve it first. If they are not able I will help

Free Practice (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

- Up to 6 students: Students work in two groups, depending on the number of learners. Give half of all the group worksheet 1 and the other half worksheet 2. Their task is to work in groups and prepare an oral presentation about the person shown in the picture. Based on the description provided, the learners are supposed to describe the person’s future, using ‘will’/’be going to’ and words and phrases in the box. ( in BOR. You have 6 minutes) -In case there are more than 6 students ask them to make plans for their friends' birthday and share them with their partner or group in BOR. When they come back they should share what their peer told them. *On the last slide, they will have notes about the usage of both forms to help them create correct sentences. -When they are back they will talk about their present it. -DEC

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