Letitia Letitia

TP 4
Pre-Intermediate level


In this lesson, students learn about past tense verbs through the context of discussing the invention of television. The lesson starts with a lead-in about television habits and preferences. This is followed by a listening activity where students learn about people related to the invention of television. Then students will be introduced to the MPF of key grammar vocab (simple past verbs). After which, they will do a controlled practice activity involving these grammar structures. Lastly, they will do a freer practice activity that will allow them to speak with this new grammar in the context of their own lives. The lesson will end with open class error feedback.


Abc Audio

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of Simple Past Tense in the context of Invention of Television

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice and review of Simple Past Tense in the context of Invention of Television


Stage 1: Lead-In (1-5 minutes) • To engage students in topic

Learners will talk about topic in teams via breakout rooms. (Slide 1)

Stage 2: Listening Task (1-5 minutes) • To improve listening skills of text information

Learners will listen to audio and collect information for activity. (Slide 2) They will compare answers in teams via breakout rooms. Answers will then be given via OCFB.

Stage 2.5 (1-3 minutes) • To identify TL within text (pre-extraction).

Learners will underline sentences in past tense to obtain samples of TL for next stage. (Slide 3) Teacher will then provide examples of possible answers. (Slide 4)

Stage 3: Clarification (MPF) (1-7 minutes) • To introduce MPF for new grammar structures.

Teacher will cover MPF of a sample of verbs in simple past tense extracted from the text. (Slide 5) Learners will be encouraged to make meaning through CCQs, establish form equation, and practice pronunciation of key grammar by choral drilling.

Stage 4: Controlled Practice (1-10 minutes) • To provide controlled practice of language

Learners will complete activity individually. (Slide 6) Learners will compare answers in teams via breakout rooms. Teacher will provide answers via OCFB.

Stage 5 (1-10 minutes) • To encourage learners to use TL fluently

Learners will take turns interviewing each other in teams via breakout rooms. (Slide 7)

Stage 6 (1-5 minutes) • To provide error correction feedback to students

Teacher will provide examples of errors encountered during lesson. (Slide 8) Learners will be encouraged to identify errors and correct them via OCFB.

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