Sena Ciftci Sena Ciftci

Speak Out - Unit 3
Pre-Intermediate level


Speak- Out - Unit 3 - Section 3 - Exercise 4 and 5


Abc Power Point Resentation
Abc Telephone Language Video

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of telephone language in the context of formal conversations

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of telephone language


Warmer (3-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

-The T greets Ss and show them a person talking on the phone. The T present the idea of correspondence by showing two people talking on the phone. The T asks questions to the Ss regarding the last phone call they made. - The T chooses specific students to answer these questions. She unmutes the rest of the class and allows only the students who has been asked the question to answer.

Lead-in (7-8 minutes) • To expose the students an example of formal telephone conversation

- T teacher play the example conversation video on shared screen. - T opens the next slide and presents four Yes/No questions that are about the video. - T asks students to work in pairs and T sends them to breakout rooms. - T welcomes students back and asks individual students to answer the Yes/No questions. - T verifies correct answer and make explanations if the Ss need to be corrected. - T asks questions to the students to elicit the difference between formal calls and informal calls - T plays an informal call for the students

Exposure (10-15 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

- T opens the next slide and presentsExercise 4. - T asks students to work in pairs and sends them to breakout rooms - T welcomes Ss back and nominates students to answer the questions of the activity. - T opens the next slide and presents Exercise 5. - T asks students to work in pairs and sends them to breakout rooms - T welcomes Ss back and nominates students to answer the questions of the activity.

Clarification (5-6 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

- T plays the rest of the video where the video explains the specific usage in telephone language. - T pauses the video each time a new expression is introduced and asks students to repeat. - If there are any pronunciation mistakes, T stops to clarify and correct them

Controlled Practice (5-6 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

- T opens the next slide and presents activity 3.3 from the Language Bank in SB. - T asks students to work in pairs and write down full sentences based on the points in the activity. - T sends them to breakout rooms. - After 5 minutes, T invites the students back and asks individual students to answer the questions.

Free Practice (5-6 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

- T opens the next slide and presents the activity ' Who is Calling?' from the Photocopiables excerpt of the SB. - T asks students to work in pairs and role-play according to either scenerio 1 or 4. - After 5 minutes, the teacher invites the students back and wraps up the lesson.

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