Shiva Shiva

There are a few pretzels, writing
T7 level


There is a boy. He's 16years old. In this session we are going to learn about foods from different countries and writing about directions.


Abc Main book

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification, review and practice

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide process and product
  • To provide clarification, review and practice


Warm up (10 minutes) • Review

We are going to talk about directions and describe a place that l will show its picture.

Writing (20 minutes)

We are going to read the tips and under line them,then we use the in writing in some text.

Vocabulary (10 minutes)

1.l will give the meaning for each word, using pictures or pantomimes. 2.then l pronunc word and ask them to repeat. 3.then l show the form of the words.

Reading (25 minutes)

1.l play the track and ask to listen carefully. 2.then l ask some gist questions like: What was the main idea of reading? 3.then ask him to answer detail questions in the book in 5 minutes. 4.we will check the answers. 5.l will give feedback.

Oral test (15 minutes) • Test

1.vocabs 2.grammar 3.speaking 4.listening

Topic 4 • Speaking
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