Main Aims
To provide clarification and practice of vocabulary related to music and musical instruments.
Subsidiary Aims
To provide fluency and accuracy in talking about a musical instrument.
Procedure (45-65 minutes)
-Show a video about the musical instruments. -Ask which instruments they saw, -Ask them if they played an instrument before and if they would like to play one.
-Present the flash cards to elicit the new vocabulary. -Get them to try to describe these instruments. -Play a tic tac toe game with the flash cards to check the new vocabulary and pronunciation.
-Divide into pairs. -Hand out a reading text. -Underline the new vocabulary. -Ss check their answers together.
For the word Tambourine 1. Do you shake it? Yes. 2. Do you strike it? Yes For the word Cymbals 1. Do you strike it with your hand? No. 2. Do you strike it together? Yes. For the word Xylophone 1. Does it have metal bars? No. 2. Does it have metal bars? Yes. 3.Do you strike it or shake it? Strike it. For the word Drums 1. Is it round? Yes. 2. Does it come in many sizes and shapes? Yes. 3. Do you strike it? Yes. 4. Do you strike it with your hand or mallets? Both.
-Divide the into pairs. -They complete the definitions of the words then match it to the picture of the instruments.
-Divide them into groups. -Each group picks 3 flash cards randomly. -They write sentences with these words.
-Supply few realia like jars, beads, paper rolls and other materials -Divide them into groups. -Each group chooses a few items that will help them create a musical instrument. -Each group will present its instrument and explain how it works. -Both groups will answer the others' questions.