Sarah Sarah

Going to (future)


In this lesson, students learn about future plans "going to" through guided discovery based on a reading text about Jake who is going to travel to China. The lesson starts with a discussion about travelling. This is followed by a role play of a conversation between Jake and his grandmother. Finally there's some controlled and freer practice.


Abc Course book (F2F)

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of using going to for future plans in the context of travelling.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification of going to through practicing a conversation.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Warmer: The teacher tells the students a riddle, they think about it and answer it. I’m tall when I’m young, and I’m short when I’m old. What am I? The Answer: A candle. Lead in: The teacher starts a discussion about the cons and pros of travelling. Students start talking about travelling.

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide a model of the task and highlight useful words and phrases

In this stage the teacher explains the blocking words using MPF: Pack (v.) Pictures are shown to the students. Eliciting questions are asked like: What can you see in the picture? What is this person doing? Why do you think he is doing this? Then the teacher explains the meaning, asks some CCQs and pronounces the word for them. Pack (v.) to put something into a bag, box, etc. CCQs Does it mean to empty a bag? No. Where do we put things? In a bag or a box.

Task - Highlighting Language (8-10 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills and to highlight the TL in context.

In this stage the students are given a text about Jake who has some future plans and uses the target language (going to) to talk about them. Students are given some pre-reading questions: Look quickly at the text to answer these questions: 1. Who is Jake talking to? His grandmother. 2. Where is Jake planning to go? To China. Students role play the conversation. The teacher picks two students each time and they start reading and acting the conversation. Students answer some while reading questions: 1. When is Jake going to travel? Next month. 2. How long is he going to stay there? Three weeks. Finally to highlight the target language the teacher asks: What is Jake going to do in China? He's going to visit many places there.

Language Analysis / clarification (6-8 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language (going to + inf.)

The teacher explains that Jake had future plans so he used "going to + inf." The teacher asks some CCQs to check students' understanding of the target language. Do we use "going to" to express quick decisions? No, Future plans. Is "going to" followed by inf. or gerund? Infinitive.

Language Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with practice of the target language

Controlled practice: In pairs students are given three minutes and asked to answer the next exercise. The teacher asks some ICQs to check their understanding of the instructions: Are you going to work individually or in pairs? In pairs. How long have you got? Three minutes. Freeer practice: What are your future plans? Students are given five minutes and divided into groups to discuss the previous question using the target language "going to +inf." The teacher asks some ICQs to check their understanding of the instructions: Are you going to work individually? No, in groups. What are you going to talk about? Future plans.

Feeedback • To praise good use of TL and correct errors

In this stage the teacher thanks the students for their efforts and encourages them. Finally he stresses the common mistakes to help the students avoid them. You did so well but I'd like you to pay more attention to the following points: 1. Pay attention to the usage of v. to be (am / is / are) 2. going to is followed by inf. 3. If the main verb is go, we don't need to say: He's going to go to london. We can just say: He's going to London.

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