Yamne Yamne

Pre-intermediate level


In this lesson, students are going to write a birthday message to a friend or family member based on a sample that the teacher will present to them. First they will discuss about the presents they have given or received, then the teacher will ask them if they'll ever written or received a birthday text/message. Then the teacher will present an example of a letter she wrote to a friend and will ask students to identify the different parts of the message, students will check their answers in pairs. After that the teacher will show the correct order and provide more examples for wishes and closing sentences, and ask students for the formality of each one. After reviewing all the contents of the letter, the students will write their own birthday text individually so then they can check each other's texts using a checklist provided by the teacher. Finally the teacher checks one of the letters together with the students' help.


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Main Aims

  • By the end of this lesson students will have practiced their writing skills by writting a birthday message to a friend or family member

Subsidiary Aims

  • In this lesson students will be able to practice their grammar and vocabulary in the context of writing birthday messages to friends and family, using expressions such as: "Happy birthday..." "My best wishes for you" "You are the greatest friend in the world"


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

1. T will send the following questions through the chat and ss will discuss them for two minutes: *What kind of birthday presents have you ever received? *What kind of birthday presents do you usually give? 2. Ss come back and T shows a google slides with some images: *T will refer to the images to ask the following question: Example: "raise your hand if you have ever received or given money as a birthday present"; students who have, should raise their hand. And so on with the rest of the images 3. T will now present a birthday card and ask ss what it is and to raise their hand if they have ever received or written one.

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading/listening

1. T will share her screen in a google docs showing the text on the birthday card 2. T will ask ss to read and match the numbers with the correct part of the text 3. T will share the link and set a page to each ss to work individually * 3 minutes 4. T will create BOR for students to check their answers together (pairs/trios) *2 minutes 5. Ss come back check answers as a group with the T *2 minutes

Useful Language (8-10 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

1. T will share her screen and show Ss a google docs that contains other examples of wishes/hopes and closing sentences. 2. T will explain the activity: in BOR you will read each sentence and decide if it's formal or informal (4 minutes) 3. Teacher demos the activity and does the first example with them 4. Ss come back and check answers with T 5. Teacher will ask CCQs about compliments using an example: "You’re the best friend I could ever ask for and the loveliest person I know." CCQs: *Is it a negative message? A: No *Does it describes the person? A: Yes *Which ones?A: you're the best friend..., you're the loveliest person *Would it be correct to use "thank you for" as a compliment? A: Yes *What compliments can you think of? A: You're the best person in the world; thank you for everything, you are very especial/important for me. (write them on the doc) *T will tell ss that we use compliments to show appreciation and gratitude to the other person based on their personality

Productive Task(s) (10-12 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

1. T will tell Ss that it is their turn to write their own birthday text 2. T will demo the actvity since they'll use a website to write them 3. T will give instructions: write a birthday text to either a friend or family member. Remember to include all the parts of the text that we reviewed. CCQs: Who are you writing for? A: friend or family member How much time do you have? 6 minutes 4. If there is time left ask them to write a text to a family member if they first wrote to a friend, and vice versa. (other 6 mins)

Feedback and Error Correction (7-8 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

1. T will share with ss a checklist of the different aspects that should have been included in the text 2. T will send ss to BOR to check each other's texts using the checklist (4-5 minutes) CCQs: *Are you going to check your own text? A: no, we will check our peer's text *How much time fo you have for the activity? A: 4-5 minutes 3. Ss come back and check together with the teacher one example (if there is more time, two) (2 minutes)

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