Grade 2 level
Main Aims
The main aim is to learn the seasons of the year, To acquire new vocabulary, Develop reading skills, Raise students communicative skills, Motivate students and engage them using enthusiastic material, Enhance students collaboration, Improve self confident
Subsidiary Aims
read for global understanding and details
Procedure (42-50 minutes)
The teacher introduces the topic of the lesson by showing pictures to students on the smart screen introducing the seasons of the year and asking questions e.g What do these pictures show? Explain what can you see? The teacher opens the seasons' song from YouTube on the big smart projector. The song shows the seasons of the year starting from spring to winter through creative drawings, colors, and music reflecting all seasons of the year. After watching the song teacher asks students to reflect on their opinion and explain what they understood. The teachers ask students questions e.g. What is summer?, What is winter?, What is spring?, What is fall? The teacher divides students into groups and gives each group a list of cards written on them the vocabulary of the lesson ( windy, green, sunny, etc) and pictures of this vocabulary. Then, she asks students to match the pictures with their right vocabulary of the cards.
The teacher hands out the reading sheet to the whole class and asks students to read in turns and discuss the reading together. The teacher asks students to work in pairs to answer the first activity. The teacher gives each student a paper with the list of vocabulary of the lesson and asks them to put the right vocabulary under the suitable season. The teacher goes around and checks all students are working and gives feedback to students. At the end of the task, the teacher asks all pairs to share their answers with the class. Other students are allowed to correct and give feedback.
In this task, the teacher asks students to work individually to read the questions and answer them from the reading sheet. The teacher goes around the class, checks everybody is working, and gives feedback. The teacher asks students for the answers. If a student answers incorrectly another student can correct him and answer the question. The teacher divides students into four groups:- spring, summer, fall, and winter. The teacher gives each group pictures and vocabulary related to their required season and asks them to write one paragraph of the season. The teacher rewards the best group with positive reinforcement.
The teacher asks students to write about their favorite season and why they prefer it. Students are required to write it with drawing and coloring. After, they finish the writing task they are supposed to read it to class.