Richard B. Eaton Richard B. Eaton

TP 7 Writing
Upper Intermediate level


Providing writing practice.


Main Aims

  • To provide product writing practice of a blog post in the context of tourism

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice of travel language in the context of a blog post


Warmer/Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T shows Google Slide with discussion Question: T tells Ss they will go into break out rooms for 2 minutes to discuss their favorite tourist location. Share quickly as they only have 2 minutes to discuss this. "Think about your favorite touristy location. What are your favorite things to do there?" T conducts OCFB by nominating a student to talk about what they said.

Layout (2-3 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading/listening

T shares Google Form with text for Layout questions. T shares screen and demos how to answer the questions. T tells students they have 2 minutes to work on this individually. T conducts OCFB eliciting answers for each question from the students.

Useful Language (6-8 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

Meaning: T shares Google Jamboard with phrases that the Ss must organize into the correct meaning. T states that Ss will work in their breakout groups to answer do this exercise. They have 1.5 minutes, then T goes over correct answers in OCFB (1 minute) Form: T shares next Google Jamboard slide with phrases that the Ss must organize into the correct categories of collocation or Rhetorical Question. T states that Ss will work in their breakout groups to answer do this exercise. They have 1.5 minutes, then T goes over correct answers in OCFB (1 minute) Appropriacy: T shares next Google Jameboard with phrases from the blog post and more formal phrases and students need to organize them into more or less formal categories. T states that Ss will work in their breakout groups to answer do this exercise. They have 1.5 minutes, then T goes over correct answers in OCFB (1 minute)

Parallel Writing Task (3-6 minutes) • To get learners to practice the layout and language

T shares screen with Google Form with Text that has missing sections. T instructs and demos students to fill in the blank sections with the missing words or phrases. Then at the bottom of the form, write 2 full sentences using the above phrases as a model and your favorite touristy spot as context. Students have 3 minutes to work on this individually. T then conducts OCFB showing the correct answers.

Freer Writing Task (12-20 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

T posts link to Padlet exercise. Ss have 12 to 20 minutes to write their own blog post encouraging tourism to their favorite touristy spot. Try to incorporate the language we have discussed so far in the lesson to accomplish this. T demos the task for students. T monitors students during task.

Feedback and Error Correction (6-8 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

T shares the feedback check list with Ss on Google Slide. T posts check list in chat box as well. Ss will now read and review each other's work, they have 6 minutes. They will use the checklist and give the student a star for each part of the checklist that was used. Ss will also write some feedback about the article. The checklist is as follows: -Choose an attractive title. -Include a rhetorical question as an opening sentence. -New paragraph for each topic. -Using short sentences with 'connecting phrases' or discourse markers. -Ask questions to engage the audience.

Delayed Error Correction (3-5 minutes) • To provide opportunity to learn from examples

T shares Zoom Whiteboard and posts examples of correct language and examples of language that needs correction and allows students to fix sentences.

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