Marina Marina

TP 7_LP Marina Arca
Elementary level


In this lesson, students learn and practice writing postcards in the context of holidays.


Abc Zoom
Abc Google Slides and Forms
Abc New Cutting Edge Pre-Intermediate, SB, page 60

Main Aims

  • To provide process writing practice of a postcard in the context of holidays

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist and detailed reading practice using a text about postcard in the context of travel for holidays


Warmer/Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T shows a slide with several images of holidays and asks learners what they think the class will be about. As students answer "holidays/ vacations" T asks SS to have a short discussion in BOR for two minutes. There, they will need to discuss about the last holidays/best holidays they want to share. SS should discuss: Where did you go? Who did you go with? Which activities you did in that place? As SS go back to the main room, T nominates two SS to share their answers and asks.. when you were on vacations, did you write letters back home? How do you call these short letters you write when you are on vacations? T elicits "postcards" and write it down on the slide. Link to Google Slide:

Exposure (4-5 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading/listening

T displays the image of an example and provide SS with a gist activity. Students need to choose whether the following statement is True or False: Sam is writing from Peru . Discussion Then, T asks SS to identify the six different (numbered) sections of the postcard. T provides 2 minute for this and then, T nominates students so they can provide the section and its purpose. Once all sections have been discussed, T displays the model/answer key on screen.

Useful Language (5-7 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

T explains SS that they will be discussing/learning about the language for writing postcards. T asks the whole group to identify and place each phrase on the right under the correct heading. T says "There are 6 phrases here and there are 2 headings here" Let;s discuss each phrase so we place them correctly" They work as a group. Then, T shows a new slide and asks SS to identify whether language is formal or informal. They match 7 informal phrases with their formal equivalents, then check their answers with a partner using Zoom private chat. Teacher conducts brief OCFB. CCQs: Was the postcard we read formal or informal? (informal) How do you know? (it was to a friend) When you write your postcard, should you use informal or formal language? (Informal) Teacher works with Form: 3 phrases will be analysed as formulaic language, discussing what is fixed and what varies. T makes use of CCQ: for this: Can we say “I made it to Spain?!”(yes) or “bye for "later!" (No) So can we change the sentence, or is it fixed?

Productive Task(s) (18-20 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

T explains activity to S. They will write their own postcard using an assigned template provided to each of them using Google Slides. SS can refer to previous slides as a reference. T explains that as SS write their postcard, the teacher will monitor writing and provide feedback in the chart provided. Teacher will use ICQs: Should you write about a holidays you went on? (Yes) Should you describe the activities you did? (Yes) Will you work individuallyor in groups? (Individually) How much time do you have to write? (20 minutes to write)

Feedback and Error Correction (6-7 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

Once postcards are written, SS will check their postcards with a partner. Teacher explains that SS will work in pairs for correction. SS will be provided with a checklist on Slides for them to use as a reference to review. T will provide a demo, T goes over the checklist. Teacher assigns partners, then students have 1 minute to read their partner’s postcard on the appropriate slide. Teacher assigns BOR for each pair for 2/3 minutes to go over the checklist together. T asks ICQs before the activity starts. T monitors peer work. Final feedback and correction is provided in the main room.

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