Vocabulary Lesson
Elementary level
Main Aims
To provide clarification, review, and practice of the use of "very" and adjective word order in the context of things that are important to you
Subsidiary Aims
To provide product writing practice of sentences using "very" and correct adjective word order in the context of things that are important to you
To provide fluency speaking practice in a descriptive manner in the context of things that are important to you
Procedure (38-48 minutes)
Present slide - "what things are important in your life?" Give my examples Give instruction - "you have 2 minutes to tell your partners what things are important in your life" Send students to breakout rooms in groups of 2-3, spend time listening to each group (make note of vocabulary knowledge and adjective uses).
Present slide 2 of presentation. Give instruction - "Read the text and write the things that are important to Alan, you have 3 minutes" ICQ - "Do you write sentences?" Breakout rooms - compare answers in groups of 2-3 for 2 minutes. Listen to all groups and make notes of TL/related errors or good uses. OCFB - go through answers and underline correct answers on slide - 3 minutes
Present slide 3 of the presentation. Meaning: Show first gap fill with picture - elicit the word "very" from students. Repeat for second gap fill. Form: Screen share "look at these sentences" task on google forms. Give instruction - "Look at these sentences to help you. Now fill in the gaps with the correct answer, you have 3 minutes" ICQ's - CCQ's - OCFB - check answers by calling on students and display correct answers clearly on screen. Pronunciation - Present slide 4 of presentation. Show the phrase with phonemic script and emphasize that the stress is on very. Drill the pronunciation by asking individual students to "repeat after me" and then the whole class together. Ask students to identify the adjective in each example. Ask students if they know what "very" is - e.g. a verb? a noun? an adverb? or an adjective? - state that very is an adverb and comes before an adjective.
Present slide 5 of presentation. Show only the sentences in the wrong order. Give the instructions - "make sentences with these words", "Write the sentences in your notebooks", "You have 5 minutes". ICQ's - CCQ's - OCFB - call on students for answers and reveal the full sentences clearly on-screen.
Present slide 6 of presentation. Give instructions - "write 3-4 sentences describing the things that are important to you" Give my examples. "You have 5 minutes" ICQ's - CCQ's - Give instruction - "Now describe the things that are important to you to your partner", "You have 3 minutes". ICQ's - CCQ's - Send students to breakout rooms in pairs. Listen to all groups, make note of TL/related errors and good uses. Delayed errors section - Go through any TL errors, related mistakes, or general notes that were heard/noticed during the class (mainly from listening to groups in breakout rooms)