Tasneem Mahmoud Hassan Tasneem Mahmoud Hassan

Elementary - A2 level


Abc English File, Elementary
Abc HO1
Abc PowerPoint Presentation
Abc audio 69
Abc audio 70
Abc HO2
Abc HO3

Main Aims

  • To provide gist and detailed listening practice using a text about adjectives and phrases in the context of holiday

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide inference reading practice using a text about adjectives and phrases in the context of holiday


Warmer/Lead-in (4-5 minutes) • To set the context of the lesson and engage students

1) Ask the students the following question ( display it on PowerPoint presentation) Which place would you like to travel to on your next holiday? why? 2) Ss work in pairs and discuss. 3) Nominate 1 or 2 students for feedback.

Context setting (4-5 minutes) • To set the context of the coming task

Ask the Ss to look at the pictures and then answer the following questions: 1) Who are these people? 2) What are they doing? 3) Where are they going? 4) Do you think their trip/ holiday went okay or do they have some problems? Why do you think that? Nominate the students for O/C feedback.

Pre-teaching Lexis (6-8 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

1) I will show a picture on my screen then ask my students these question: 1-What is he doing? He is eating pasta. 2- Is he eating slowly? No. He is eating so fast. So, we can describe anyone who wants to eat and when he eats doing this fast ( hungry) Then I'll stop sharing my screen, open my camera then 2) Ask the Ss to repeat the word after me, Try to show them the stress syllable while pronunciation. 3) Nominate 1 student to say the word again. 4) Nominate another student to ask her about the strongest part in the word ( the stress). 5) Show the students the word on the screen with highlighting form/ stress syllable. The same will be done with the rest of the words by asking different questions. Word 2 - What is she doing? She is eating cake. - What do you think, Is she happy or sad? sad. Why? maybe the taste of the cake is too bad. We can describe anything that we don't like at all as (terrible). Word 3 - Is the weather cold or hot? hot. - What is this man doing? Why? He is trying to catch the bottle because he needs to drink water in this sunny weather. We can describe anyone who needs to drink maybe because of the hot weather (thirsty) Word 4- What is this man doing? He is taking a selfie with a shark. - Is it easy? No - Is it safe? No, Why? because the shark may bite him. We can describe any person, animal, thing, or activity that could harm you (dangerous)

While-Listening #1 (5-6 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist listening task.

1) Show the students the task on the screen giving them simple instructions. 2) using ICQs like: Are you going to write letters or numbers? numbers 3) Send the HO1 to the students. 4) Play the audio and let Them answer at the same time. 5) Send the students to the breakout rooms for 1 minute to check in pairs. 6) show the students the answer key.

While-Listening #2 (4-6 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference listening tasks

1) Show the student the task on the screen giving them simple instructions. 2) Using ICQs like 1- Are you going to answer one or two questions? one 2- Are you going to listen to one or two problems? Two 3) Play the audio and let them answer at the same time. 4) Send the students to breakout rooms to discuss their answers for 2 minutes. 5) Nominate 2 students from each group for O/C feedback.

Post-Listening (12-15 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

1) Show the students HO2 on the screen and give the simple instructions. 2) Send HO2 to the students. 3) Send them to the breakout rooms to work in pairs to discuss their ideas for 4 minutes. 4) Students will check their guessing by using HO3 and give the students simple instructions. 5) Using ICQs like: Are we going to write the phrase or just a number? a number. 6) Send HO3 to the students. 7) Send the students again to the breakout room to make sure or change their guessings for 3 minutes. 8) Show them the answer key then discuss with the students these two phrases ( Don't worry!/ Be careful!) -If there is time, I could get Ss to listen again to both parts of the audio with the script in the main lesson in HO2, so they can see exactly what they understood/ didn't understand. I will be ready for more explanation for phrases or words. Them ask them this question: Do you think that their holiday will go okay or it will go wrong? Why? - Send the Ss to the breakout rooms, monitor then O/C feedback.

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