Yamne Yamne

TP2 LP_Yamne Baldenebro
Upper Intermediate level


This is a reading lesson where students will have the opportunity to develop their receptive skills. The students will be provided with reading for specific and detail information in the context of dress code and fashion. The students will read a text called 'You're labeled' and answer some questions to check their understanding so then they can discuss about it.


Abc You're labelled!

Main Aims

  • To provide reading practice for specific information and detail in the context of dress code and fashion.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Students will be able to practice and develop their speaking abilities in the dress code and fashion context by sharing their opinions about the topic.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

1.- T greets students and asks them what do they think about fashion T nominates students to answer the question 2.- T presents a slide and asks Ss about the brands that are appearing on the screen: *what are these? *how many of them do you recognize? *have you ever bought clothes and accesories with designer labels? why? *why do you think some people care so much about them? 3.- T nominates different students to answer the questions and share their opinions

Pre-Reading/Listening (4-5 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

1.- T presents some meanings and some sentences: M: (noun) A company that produces goods for sale, the goods themselves, or the company's name or symbol S: We had to queue for three hours to get in. M: (adjective) products, especially clothes, that are intended for an average public and not for rich people S: Her clothes are a mixture of high fashion and high street M: (verb) To wait in a line of people, often to buy something S: My favorite designer label is Louis Vuitton 2.- T will ask Ss to read the meanings and then the sentences 3.- T will ask Ss to think about which meaning matches to which sentence, according to the context 4.- CCQ: is the meaning of 'labels' similar to 'high street'? 5.- T presents pronunciation and ask Ss to repeat after her 6.- T asks certain students to repeat by their own to correct and reinforce their pronunciation 7.- T asks students to divide words into syllables and mention the stressed syllable Label High Street Queue

While-Reading/Listening #1 (6-7 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading/listening tasks

1.- T will show the text to their students and tells Ss that they have 2 minutes to read the text and get the general idea 2.- T asks ICQs: how much time do you have to read? Are you going to read for a general idea or for specific information? 3.- Ss read 4.- T presents Ss the next activity: In partners choose the option that best represents a summary of part A and part B of the text, they'll have 2 minutes to discuss it in the BOR 5.- T shows a demonstration of what they need to do and ask ICQs: are you going to work individually or in pairs? How much time do you have? *PART A: 1.- Fashion designers are now mainly targeting young people 2.- Designer clothes started for the rich but are now available in ordinary shops *PART B. 1.-Research confirms wearing designer labels gives you advantages in life. 2.- There is evidence to suggest that people buy designer labels to increase their status rather than because they particularly like them. 6.- OCFB

While-Reading/Listening #2 (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading/listening tasks

1.- T explains the task to the Ss: Ss will read the text again to answer the following questions on a piece of paper, Ss have 3 minutes to complete the task: Who is generally considered the father of fashion design? How did people react to designer labels being sold at H&M? What was the Tilburg University research trying to find out? Who was the most suitable for the job? What was the situation with his salary? What was the conclusion of the research? 2.- Ask ICQs: where are you going to write your answers? How much time do you have to complete the task? 3.- Ss come back and T asks them to share their answers on BOR, Ss have 4 minutes to do so 4.- Ss come back and share answers with the group 5.- OCFB

Post-Reading/Listening (8-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

1.- T will share the following questions to the Ss though the chat: Would you ever buy labelled clothes just to have more opportunities? Why? Do you think that it was fair that the man got the job just for his clothes? Why? How would you feel in a situation where someone had better opportunities than you just for their appearance? 2.- T will ask the students to individually reflect on the questions for a minute 3.- T asks ICQs: are you going to write something? How much time do you have? 4.- T will ask the students to share their answers to a partner in the BOR for 3 minutes 5.- Ask ICQs: are you going to work individually or in pairs? How much time do you have to do this activity? 6.- Ss go to BOR and discuss for 3 minutes 7.- Ss come back and T asks them about their answers

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