Daniel Daniel

TP6 - Functional Language
Upper-Intermediate level


In this lesson, students will develop their understanding of expressions used to express opinions and surprise, particularly, negative questions used to challenge ideas. Students will practice using this language in controlled activities and freer speaking practice.


Abc Language Clarification

Main Aims

  • To provide practice, review and clarification of language used to express opinions and challenge ideas in the context of travel arrangements

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency and accuracy speaking practice in a conversation in the context of a travel experience
  • To provide specific information listening practice using a text about travel experiences


Warmer/Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

A question is displayed Google jamboard: "Where is your favourite place you have visited?". Students will answer the question using the sticky-note tool. A discussion will take place between teacher and students, where teacher elicits further detail and reasoning from the responses provided, engaging multiple students.

Exposure (6-8 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Students listen to the audio file as a whole class to ensure general understanding. Teacher then asks them as a whole class, 'where did the man travel to?', 'did he enjoy the trip?' "how do we know that?' A link to a Google Forms activity is shared. The students will listen to the text again, there will be gaps in the dialogue and the student will write what they believe should be in the gap. The teacher repeats the text once more should the students need this repetition...If not, they will compare their answers with a partner. OCFB, where the teacher elicits answers from the students and refers back to text if needed.

Clarification (10-12 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Meaning The students will be presented with a series of expressions used to show surprise or to challenge an idea? (i.e. 'wow', 'isn't that dangerous', 'I can't believe it', etc). They will spend 2 minutes working in pairs to categorize these expressions under the column 'Expressions to show surprise' or 'expressions to challenge an idea'. Teacher will then elicit ideas from students and ask CCQs such as, 'does the speaker assume it is dangerous?,' 'do you think it is more polite to say this or this', etc. Form 3 example expressions are displayed (negative questions). Teacher will ask CCQs to establish which word class and syntax order. We will compare 'didn't you...(verb)' with 'wasn't it....(adj) Students will be presented with a set of individual words beneath their word class columns. The students will work in pairs for 2 minutes to assemble the lexical units into a cohesive and semantically correct sentence. This will ensure understanding of word order and the fixed/flexible parts of the language. Pronunciation Primary focus on intonation patterns and attitudinal pronunciation. 2 example sentences are displayed on a whiteboard. The teacher will ask students to read the term and repeat the term out loud. CCQ: 'Where is the sentence stress?' 'Where does the intonation raise?' 'Which part of the expression is the idea she is challenging, etc'...Semi-sentence linking with 'haven't...they'. Appropriation Example - Karen want to go on holiday during COVID-19, to India. You don't think it is a good idea. CCQ - "which is more polite?" "I think it's a really dangerous and bad idea to go there". "wouldn't it be a bit dangerous to go there right now?"

Controlled Practice (7-8 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Snippets of a conversation are shared with students via a Google Forms slide. The students have to choose the most appropriate 'negative question' to fill the gap from the options provided. Students spend 2 minutes comparing their answers with a partner. The teacher then elicits ideas and answers from students. Some CCQs are asked: 'why not this answer?', 'do you think Speaker A has a different idea to Speaker B?, etc;'

Free Practice (6-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Students are presented with the flow-chart of 2 conversations to have with their partner. the students are instructed to ask their partner questions and respond to the answers with surprise or a negative question. The partner will then respond and continue the conversation. Teacher will monitor BOR for language usages and assist with anything if needed. The teacher will then provide DEC and ask students opinions regarding some of the incorrect language uses heard.

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