Elizabeth Ramirez Velazquez Elizabeth Ramirez Velazquez

TP 8 -Grammar
Elementary level


In this lesson, students will practice structures with "there is"/"there are" in affirmative and interrogative statements along with quantifiers (some, any, many, few, lots of, etc.)


Main Aims

  • To provide review of structures with there is/ there are in the context of dream houses.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To allow students add new vocabulary related to house items and rooms.


Lead-in stage (0-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students in the topic.

1. Introduction: T displays Image 1 and tells Ss that is how he dream house looks like. 2. Brainstorm: T asks students to add something they would like to have in their dream house (use House template in slide 2) Option A: Ss can write the word directly. Option B: Ss can copy/paste an image they search on Google. 3. T asks each student (direct nomination) to repeat the words or name the things they added. 4. Follow-up questions: 1.Do you have a favorite place at home? 2. What do you think is the topic of our lesson?

Text work - Gist (6-10 minutes) • To help learners identify the target language

1. Students read a short comment on how Kiara describes her dream house to her best friend. 2. T asks Ss to underline the sentences where Kiara describes what her dream house would be (ask Ss to use the 'pen' tool in Jamboard) 3. T asks Ss to locate the phrases taken from Kiara's comment in each category shown in Table 1. (Slide 4) 4. T conducts OCFB after group work.

Clarification (11-20 minutes) • To check MFP of target language

1. Meaning: -T asks Ss to work in pairs and locate the sentences used in slide 4 under the 'plural' / 'singular' / 'zero' (each team works in a separate handout (Team 1/Team 2) -T asks Ss to order the quantifiers using the scale in slide 7 and 8. -T conducts OCFB after pair work (answers are displayed in slide 7) 2.Form: - T asks Ss to respond to a short quiz (link: https://forms.gle/n6V7fV8dExfPpRuj9) -T conducts OCFB after quiz 3. Pronunciation: -Drilling using there is/there's/there isn't/ there are/ there aren't using full sentences. -Drill will be conducted systematically, focusing in the first part on segmental features (final consonants), then the focus will be on linking and the pronunciation of contractions and finally, on intonation.

Controlled practice (21-28 minutes) • To check whether Ss have understood the target language and promote their confidence using the studied language forms.

Error correction task: -T gives Ss a set of four sentences where there is an error in each. Ss choose one sentence they would like to correct. (Slide 9) -T conducts OCFB after individual work.

Freer practice (29-40 minutes) • To enable Ss to use comparative and superlative adjectives by creating new sentences related to their dream house

Student A will describe to Student B what their dream house is like. Student B will ask some questions focused on different spaces in the house. Ss can take the conversation in slide 3 as a reference. Ss alternate roles (A or B) T asks Ss to replicate their conversation for the rest of the class.

Delayed Error Correction (40-45 minutes) • To provide learners with feedback on difficult words or expressions.

T writes some samples taken from learners’ freer practice (full sentences) in slide 10 and sets a task for learners to identify the correct and incorrect sentences and correct the latter ones using TPR (Total Physical response). Instructions: "Clap if the sentence is incorrect / Remain in silence if sentence is correct." T conducts OCFB (T ticks the right example using the pen tool)

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