Fatemeh Fatemeh


Abc Speakout upper intermediate p93, student book, Frances Eales & Steve Oakes, 2015. Pearson

Main Aims

  • For Ss to learn and practice third conditional in the context of past regrets.

Subsidiary Aims

  • For Ss to practice speaking in the context of past regrets.


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

- T shows a picture to students . - T asks Ss to make assumptions about the conversation and put them in pairs - T monitors - T gives FB

Test #1 (4-5 minutes) • To gauge students' prior knowledge of the third conditional

- T gives Ss the test related to the picture -Ss do the test on their own. - T monitors to see how they are doing - T gives FB - If half of the class have difficulty, T starts teaching - If Ss did the text perfectly T provide them with more oral practices

Teach (8-9 minutes) • To review and teach the area Ss had difficulty in the Test stage

- T teaches grammar MPF if they are a little or not familiar with third conditional - If they were not familar with the pronunciations and contraction form, T teaches them the phonetic and contraction form. - If they did the test without any problem, T provides Ss with more practices. MPF - T uses one of the sentences in the quiz. - T elicits the answer. - T asks CCQs - T asks Ss to discover the rule in pairs - T monitors - T gives AK - T highlights the written and spoken form. - T asks Ss to listen to the audio related to the picture and pay attention to the pronunciation.

Test #2 (4-5 minutes) • To check students' use of the target language again

T gives Ss a HO to answer the questions using third conditional. - T monitors. - T gives AK.

Free practice (8-9 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of third conditional

- T asks Ss to write down some important moments of their life. and tell their partner how things would have been different with or without them. - T models it - T puts them in pairs - T monitors - T gives delayed FB

Error Correction (1-2 minutes) • To give students feedback addressing any grammar or lexical issues spotted in the freer practice

- T monitors - T writes down in the word office the errors Ss make while they are speaking - T also writes down some correct sentences as well. - T asks Ss to correct the sentences

Flexi Stage • To provide more speaking opportunties in case the class ends earlier

- T asks :If you had been born a boy/girl, how would your life have been different? - T put them in groups - T gives FB

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