Elizabeth Ramirez Velazquez Elizabeth Ramirez Velazquez

Elementary level


In this lesson students will learn functional language related to requesting and giving directions in different registers (informal, neutral and formal).


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Main Aims

  • To allow students practice language related to requesting and giving directions.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice of language used for requesting directions in the context of travel.


Lead-In (Gist) (0-5 minutes) • To contextualise the lesson and help learners activate previous knowledge about the topic of the lesson.

T shows image in Board 1 and asks students to guess the situation in the picture. Follow-up questions: -What is happening in the picture? (possible answers: The person is lost/ She is looking for an address/ She got lost in the city, etc.) -Have you ever gotten lost? -What did you do to get to the place you were looking for? -T asks Ss to participate and share personal experiences (personalization)

Text work (Gist) (6-10 minutes) • To help learners identify the target language

1. T asks Ss to read the conversations fairly quickly.. Gist questions: "What situation is happening in both conversations?" "Who is lost and who is giving instructions?" ICQ: Are we going to read in detail? No / Are we going to read very quickly? Yes 2. T conducts OCFB after Ss had read the conversation.

M(A)FP (10-20 minutes) • To clarify the target language.

1. Meaning: T asks Ss to read the conversations again and locate the phrases were there are 1) Asking for directions and 2) giving directions. Instructions: "Read again and find the phrases for requesting and for giving directions" 2. Appropriacy: T asks Ss to locate an F next to formal sentences and I to informal sentences. Each student should identify at least one phrase. Instructions: "Add an F is the sentence comes from a formal situation or I if it comes from an informal situation". 3. Form: T asks students to identify the similarities in the phrases for requesting and for giving directions. (questions vs. imperative sentences) 4. Pronunciation: T drill pronunciation using attitudinal intonation.

Controlled practice (20-30 minutes) • To help learners use the target language in a controlled context focusing on accuracy.

1. Gap-fill task: T presents a similar conversation with some sentences extracted from it. Ss work in pairs and locate the phrases in the right place in the text. T conducts OCFB after pair work. 2. Role-play: T asks some Ss to participate doing the role-play with their partner.

Freer practice (30-40 minutes) • To allow students practice the target language in a role-play created by themselves.

T asks Ss to work in pairs and create a similar role-play using the phrases seen in the previous stages. Ss participate and do their role.-play in front of the class. T conducts OCFB after role-play presentation.

Delayed Error Correction (41-45 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language.

-T collects some examples from Ss production and writes them in the online file. Ss clap if they believe each example is right or say "banana" if they believe the example is incorrect. - (T modells the task first). - T asks Ss to detect and correct the error in the incorrect sentences. -T acknowledges Ss for their effort an wishes them a good day.

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