Ticher Ticher

Copy of TP 8 Grammar Was & Were
Elementary level


In this lesson learners will be given the opportunity to learn and use the past tense verbs 'was' & 'were'. Learners will be introduced to the TL using a series of images from the 1900's. A gist and initial task will be performed using a guided discovery approach. MFP will be performed for positive and negative forms only and a brief multiple choice worksheet for the controlled task. Freer Practice will involve speaking about past events.


Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of the past tense 'was' & 'were' in both positive and negative forms in the context of historical information of the 1900's and past personal stories.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of the past tense verbs 'was' & 'were' in the context of past personal events
  • To provide fluency and accuracy speaking practice in using the past tense 'was' & 'were' in the context of past personal events


Lead-in (2-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Teacher greets class and ensures that learners can see the screen when shared. Teacher begins showing images taken in the 1900's from various countries. Script: When were these pictures taken? Teacher elicits the length of time past. when these pictures were taken. Script: Do we use different words when speaking about the past? Teacher elicits that the past tense is used when speaking about the past.

Textwork Gist/ Intensive Task (6-8 minutes) • To provide a gist of the text and get the learners to identify the TL.

Teacher shows the learners a series of facts about the 1900's. Teacher reads the first two (2) sentences and encourages each learner to read a sentence thereafter. Once completed the teacher shows learners the list again on a Google Docs file. Script: "Are there similar words in these sentences? Point them out to me" Teach elicits the words was and were, using annotations from Zoom to highlight appropriately. Script: "What can you see that is different in the sentences? Look at the first two sentences" Teacher reads the first two sentences which use the same verb but one is negative and the other is positive form. Teacher elicits the learners to clarify the difference. Teacher then notifies learners that they will be placed in groups for 2 minutes to complete a task. The task involves the identifying of which sentences are positive and which are negative as previously modeled. Teacher creates 2 groups in Breakout Rooms and shares the appropriate Jamboard Task with the appropriate group number (Example: Group 1 gets Jamboard 1, Group 2 gets Jamboard 2) Teacher monitors learners and performs OCF once completed.

Useful Language/MFP (10-12 minutes) • To highlight and clarify TL for coming productive tasks

Teacher begins by reiterating that these words are verbs used for past tense only. Teacher conducts meaning using simplified definitions if necessary. Teacher elicits the majority of information, particularly the proper use of 'was &'were' for singular and plural. Teacher shows that the negative forms are shortened. Teacher returns to previous text containing list of facts of the 1900's. Script: Since the negative forms can be shortened, can we shorten any words in these sentences?" Teacher elicits the shortening of negative forms. Teacher then introduces learners to a brief text of "My Birthday Last Year" ('My Last Birthday' sounds too morbid). This brief text contains simple statements with options for 'was' & 'were' and their negative forms. Using Zoom annotations the teacher identifies the correct verb to be used as elicited from the learners. Learners are drilled on the pronunciation of the verb and fluency in their use within context. Learners are then asked to fix two sentences that have two areas or error. First area is with the time the event occurs as well as the verb used. Teacher asks learners to fix the sentences. Script:"Can I feel happy tomorrow? Did I already go to the beach? Did the soldier fight yet?"

Controlled Practice (5-8 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to test the learners on the accuracy of the TL.

Teacher gives the learners a Google Forms documents and instructs them to complete within 3 minutes. Teacher models the first question for the learners. Teacher places learners back in their groups to compare answers for 2 minutes Once completed, OFC is given.

Freer Practice & DEC (6-8 minutes) • To provide learners the opportunity to practice fluency of the TL and then provide feedback on any errors noticed

Teacher places learners in groups with the instruction to speak about a past event in their personal life (eg. First day at school, a past birthday, a childhood memory, a trip/vacation) Learners are instructed to do this for 5 minutes. Teacher monitors groups and performs DEC where necessary.

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