Ahmed Maher Ahmed Maher

Sleepless nights - 9B
Pre-Int. Face to Face page 70& 71 level


In this lesson, students will have a chance to review phrases of everyday problems. They will practice adjectives that describe feelings.


Abc CD Player
Abc Handouts
Abc Textbook and teacher's book, pictures, cd
Abc visuals

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of depressed, lonely, nervous, confident, excited,bored, pleased, sad , stressed,relaxed, calm in the context of positive and negative nights

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist and specific information listening practice using a text about feelings in the context of sleepless nights


Adjectives to describe feelings (7-8 minutes) • To learn and practice new vocabulary about positive and negative feelings.

Check that sts understand feelings. I feel happy today. How do you feel when you miss a plane? Ask students to give you some adjectives they know to know about their prior knowledge. Mime some adjectives of feelings Show sts pictures about these adjectives to elicit the meaning. stick the adjectives and pictures on the board. Model and drill the words ( MFP).

Adjectives to describe feelings (5 minutes) • MFP

Give clear instructions. Tell students that they will have a folded handout to read the adjectives without looking at the other side. Then ask sts to work in pairs to discuss the adjectives. Then ask sts to open the folded part and match the adjective with the meaning. Check the answers with the whole class.

Board Race (5-8 minutes) • To practice adjectives about positive and negative feelings.

Divide the class into 2 teams and get each to stand up in a line in front of the board. I stick pictures of adjectives on the board. I say the adjective ( e.g. depressed) and sts race to touch the picture quickly. Ask the one of the teams to classify the adjectives to positive and negative feeling , and the other team match the adjective and its opposite.

Six adjectives (5 minutes) • More practice and drilling on adjectives that describe feelings.

Students work on their own and choose six adjectives from 1a. Students write when they feel like this on a piece of paper. While students are working, monitor and check that they are not writing the adjectives. Sts work in pairs and take turns and ask questions to guess the the adjectives, as shown in the speech bubbles. Ask students to share interesting answers with the class.

Miming the feelings (5-6 minutes) • More practice and drilling on adjectives that describe feelings.

Divide the class into 2 teams and get each to sit in two separate circles. Ask one from each team to come to you. Whisper the adjective to each of them. Give them the order to start miming the feeling.Their partners try to guess which feeling it is.

Listening (5-7 minutes) • Pre- listening- to introduce the context

Find out which students in your class have children. Divide the class into 3 groups.Each group should have a parent. Ask sts discuss the questions with students ( open discussion) Ask students to share their ideas with the class.Find out what students think is the best age to have children.

Listening (4-6 minutes) • While - listening ( for specific information)

Focus sts on the photo. Ask some quick questions about the photo, Martin, Vicky, and the baby. Elicit how the class think Vicky and Martin feel. Students listen and tick the things Vicky has. ask sts to share their answers with their partners. Then, check the answers with the whole group.

Listening (3-5 minutes) • While - listening ( for specific information)

Students listen and tick the things Martin has. ask sts to share their answers with their partners. Then, check the answers with the whole group.

True/False Activity (5-6 minutes) • Post-listening

Ask students to work in pairs and tick ,true or false, sentences about Vicky. Play the recording again. Students listen and check their answers. Check answers with the class.

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