Louza Louza

Where are you from?
Primary three level


In this lesson ,students will learn about people from different countries. This lesson will start with the lead in stage.In this stage, teacher stimulates interest and activates schemata(a general idea about something. Teacher uses CCQs to elicit answers .T. writes the title of the lesson ,Where are you from? ,on the board and showing them a map of the world .T. asks them to brainstorming a list of countries ,nationalities and their languages. T. asks them to think about both speaking and writing. T writes the target language on the board. Focusing on the form and phonology. The lesson will end by some practice.


Abc teacher-made handout A map of the world SB p.2,3

Main Aims

  • To Learn about people from different countries and nationalities.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide product writing practice of sentences in the context of Where are you from?


Warmer/Lead-in (0-10 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

In this lesson ,students will learn about people from different countries. This lesson will start with the lead in stage.In this stage, teacher stimulates interest and activates schemata(a general idea about something. Teacher uses CCQs to elicit answers .T. writes the title of the lesson ,Where are you from? ,on the board and showing them a map of the world .T. asks them to brainstorming a list of countries ,nationalities and their languages. T. asks them to think about both speaking and writing. T writes the target language on the board. Focusing on the form and phonology. The lesson will end by some practice.

language practice to provide students with an opportunity to use the target language. (0-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Controlled Practice Students role play the dialogue. Free Practice Students write short sentences about themselves and read their sentence loudly.

language practice to provide students with an opportunity to use the target language. (10 minutes) • Clarification To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Highlighting the target language and providing clarification of the meaning and pronunciation of it by using pictures and uses CCQs to check the meaning. T drills chorally and individually.

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